Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Leg Day got me like...

This workout is for my fit friends who have been in the gym for awhile and looking to change up your routine or need a new challenge. I have included video references of each exercise for clarity :) This workout is set up in supersets and will take approximately 45 minutes, taking minimal breaks between sets, 10-15 seconds max. It's important not to over-train- after 45-60 minutes of exercise, your body starts to use the glycogen in your muscles for fuel- and you don't want that. Make your workouts effective and efficient so you can get your workout done and enjoy the rest of your day!

Start with a warm up on an elliptical machine for 5-7 minutes, followed by stretching your lower body thoroughly for 10-15 minutes.

-You want to go as heavy as you can for each exercise while still being able to maintain PERFECT form.
Super Set #1- complete sets of 20, 3 rounds
-Squat on Bosu Ball  (in video below)
-Bench Jumps with Sumo Squat
-Weighted Pulse Lunges

Super Set #2- complete sets of 20, 5 rounds
-Linear Leg Press Machine OR Reverse Hack Squat (I trade between the two)
-Donkey Kicks with resistance band (or cables)

Super Set #3- complete sets of 10, 3 rounds
-Quadricep Extension Machine
-Hip Thrust on Quad. Ext. Machine
-Weighted Walking Lunges

Super Set #4- complete sets of 10, 3 rounds
-Hamstring Curl Machine
-Single Leg Hamstring Curl Machine
-Weighted Calf Press

Finish off with a 5-10 min cool-down on a stationary bike and another good stretch to prevent soreness and injury!

Think you can hang? Give this workout a try and let me know how it went!!

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