Monday, March 30, 2015

Lifestyle Modification - Are You Ready for Change?

Unless you perceive there is a really good reason to change a health behavior, you probably will not do it. Change goes against human nature and what is familiar, stable, and routine. For most people change is scary and unpredictable. Most people strive to maintain stability of what they know to be true about their lives. The behavior change process usually begins when there is a perceived problem or need for change.

The Stages of Change progress through 5 stages, describing where you may be on an emotional and analytical level when making a decision to change your lifestyle or health habits:

Stage 1: Precontemplation- You have no intention of changing. You do not exercise, and you do not intend to start doing so. You need to educate yourself about your current health condition and stop relying on myths and excuses. Working with a Fitness Coach at this stage can be difficult because you do not yet know what you want or are unable to create goals for yourself.

Stage 2: Contemplation- You do not exercise but you are thinking about becoming more active in the next few months. You are aware of the benefits of exercise but you might lack the motivation or know-how to get started on your own. You most likely need guidance or an outside source of motivation and encouragement from family, friends and an amazing Fitness Coach.

Stage 3: Preparation- You might exercise occasionally, but you are planning on making it a more regular habit in the near future. You are aware of and believe in the health benefits of exercise, but you might have unrealistic expectations of lack the knowledge to get you to where you want to be. If you find yourself at this stage and you are stuck, NOW is the time to contact a Fitness Coach before you regress to the contemplation stage. You probably need some help with defining your goals, creating an effective program and pushing yourself to work harder.

Stage 4: Action- You are active on a regular basis and have been for less than 6 months. You need to be challenged and may be needing some more education about various training programs. You may be hitting a plateau in your training and need to be guided through it. At this stage, you can rely on  Fitness Coach to give you more challenging workouts as well as introduce new dieting programs such as Carb Cycling to help you get through those training issues.

Stage 5: Maintenance- You have been consistently active for 6 months or more. Even though you have successfully changed your behavior, you are still at risk for regressing to old habits. You are capable of maintaining a fitness and nutrition program on your own and may just need a Fitness Coach on occasion to help you mix up your workouts or help you through a training plateau down the road.

What stage do you find yourself in today? If you are in Stages 3,4 or 5 answer the following questions to help you better understand what might be holding you back from reaching your fitness goals:
  • What experiences have you had with physical activity in the past?
  • What worked best to help you stick to a fitness program?
  • What worked the least?
  • What contributed to you quitting your last exercise or nutrition program?
  • During the last 6 months, what kept you from exercising and/or eating healthy?
If you find yourself ready to take that next step, enter that next stage of change, and get on the path towards a healthier, happier you, NOW is the time! I hear it from so many people- "I'm tired, I'm fat, I don't feel good, I'm lazy, I can't get motivated......" THEN WHY DONT YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT? All it takes is talking to a Fitness Professional about what you need to do to get yourself headed in the right direction.

I offer complementary consultations to anyone who is interested in beginning a Fitness Program. I will ask you a series of questions to give me a better look into your lifestyle, and from there I create a preliminary plan as to what you could expect from working with me. At that point, if you are satisfied with what I have to offer, we can begin your 100% Custom Training Program. All is takes is a quick email to and we can get you going!

*Stages of Change model adapted from National Academy of Sports Medicine- Lifestyle Modification

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring for Savings!!! Now is the time to change your body and your life!!

The weather is warming up, shorts and tank tops are coming out, and its about to be bathing suit season! ARE YOU READY? Now until May I will be offering my 12 Week Custom Fitness Program for $25 off!! That's right, only $125 for a fully custom fitness plan to guide you towards reaching your goals and killin' it in that bathing suit this summer!!

EXLR8 Personal Fitness Training 12 Week Program:          $125 (regular price $150)

·         Commit to reaching your goals!
·         Customized training program with 3 Phases to eliminate plateaus
·         Goal specific Weight Training and Cardio Programs according to your abilities and goals
·         Customized Nutrition Assistance and Meal Prep Guide with shopping tips and recipes
·         Supplement Recommendations for maintaining health while training
·         Weekly progress check-ins to ensure you are on track and to make changes as needed
All of my clients have instant access to me via social media, email and personal contact information to ensure that no question goes unanswered. My programs fit everyone because they are 100% CUSTOM: whether you have a gym membership or need at-home workouts, have dietary restrictions due to medication or condition, injuries? NO PROBLEM!
What is stopping you from being the healthiest, fittest, happiest version of you?!? Now is the time to take charge and I can not wait to guide you through your fitness journey.
To start, simply:
1) Click on the Pay Pal link below to process payment.
2) Send an email to with your name, phone number and most accessible email address.
3) I will send you all of my necessary pre-training paperwork to collect the information I need to help you reach your goals.
4) You receive your Custom Fitness Program within 24-48 hours of payment!

Let's get fit together!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Shoulders and Tricep Workout **Making Gains**

One of my many missions in my journey of self-improvement is to grow my shoulders and upper back. For the last 3 months, I have been really pushing myself to mix up my workouts and challenge my body with exercises that are unique (and painful). Well, this workout had met all of these criteria, give it a try!!

-5-7 minute warm up and 10 minute stretch, focusing on the upper body
-Dynamic warm up for the shoulders with 5 lb plates
     -Arm circles forward and back
     - Internal/external rotation

Superset #1: repeat 3 times, 10 reps each
-Narrow Grip Overhead Press on Smith Machine
-Wide grip Military Press on Smith Machine
-Front Plate Raises
-Lateral lean-away Deltoid Raise

Superset #2: repeat 3 times, 10 reps each
-Tricep Rope Pull-down (drop set)
-Tricep Kickback
-Reverse Grip Tricep Pull-down (drop set)

Superset #3: 10 reps of DEATH
In one rep- front deltoid raise, lateral deltoid raise, front full extension, shoulder press (that's one)
-do this combo 10 times, without stopping, and without changing weights (I use 5-7.5 lbs)

Superset #4: Throw in some core work! repeat 3 times, 20 reps each
-Lying straight leg raises
-"V" Up Stability ball pass

There ya have it!! Give this workout a try, and leave a comment!!

If you have any further questions or would like more information on creating your own kick ass workouts, contact me at

Monday, March 23, 2015

Magic Potatoes

I call these magic potatoes because they are, well, magical. Potatoes are a great source of carbohydrates, both simple and complex. I personally train using a Carb Cycling Program, which varies the amount of carbohydrates I eat daily, from high carbs, to moderate and low. This type of diet allows me to offer my body the nutrients it needs to get through my demanding workouts and GROW my muscles, while allowing me to remain lean and even lose body fat! Try these recipes for yourself and enjoy some carbs!!

Sweet Potatoes:
-Preheat your oven to 400 degrees
-Wash and cut approx. 5 large sweet potatoes into small, 1-2 inch squares
-Lay potatoes evenly on a baking sheet, I usually have to use two to let them have enough room
-Coat the potatoes in Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Avocado Oil
-Dust the potatoes with nutmeg and cinnamon, to taste - I coat them pretty heavy on one side, then mix them around
-Bake in the oven, middle rack for 20 minutes, then remove from oven and toss
-Bake for an additional 20 minutes
-Ta Da! That's it! Your done! Easy, huh?

Brown Potatoes:
-You can bake these right along with your sweet potatoes at 400 degrees
-Wash and cut potatoes into small, 1-2 inch squares
-Lay potatoes evenly on a baking sheet
-Coat the potatoes in Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Avocado Oil (I like to do my brown potatoes like this, rather than baking them whole to avoid the temptation of dumping a ton of butter on it)
-Season the potatoes- I use lite salt, lemon pepper, thyme, oregano, Ms. Dash Tomato Basil Garlic and Roasted Onion and Herb
-Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, then remove and toss
-Bake for an additional 10-15 min, until tender

A lot of people think that in order to lose weight or get a lean look, that they have to cut out carbs all together and suffer. Well, I'm here to tell you that CARBS ARE GOOD! Carbohydrates are absolutely necessary in your diet in order to produce vital energy not only for your workouts, but for your daily body functions. Your digestive system converts carbohydrates into glucose, a type of sugar that is the fuel for your muscles. Cutting out carbs from ones diet can result in a huge void in energy, inability to recover from physical exertion, not to mention a lack of carbs will throw off the entire balance of your diet, where they play a vital role in the absorption and proper use of proteins and fats in the body.

If you are looking for more information about Carb Cycling, or finding the right diet to help you reach your goals, please do not hesitate to contact me at and check out my Custom Fitness Programs!!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Whole Body workout for the Fitness Newbie- No gym required!!

All you fitness newbies out there! I know how difficult and intimidating it can be to motivate yourself to find exercises and workouts that work to help you reach your goals. Maybe you just started going to the gym, or your contemplating incorporating a workout routine at home- this is a great place to start.

But some of you are the experienced ones... well this is for you too! When is the last time you slowed your tempo and focused 100% on your form? Or challenged your stability? Then this is great for you, too! Add 1 minute of jump rope between each exercise and BOOM! You've got a killer HIIT workout!

This workout is designed to be completed in a circuit fashion, meaning little to no break in between transitioning from one exercise to the next. Your goal is to maintain a Target Heart Rate around 65% of your HR Max. Complete the circuit 3-5 times.

Bodyweight Squat with 4/2/1 Tempo (4 sec. descend, 2 sec hold, 1 sec ascend)
20 reps
Perform squats slowly with control, do in front of a mirror to monitor form if possible
Push Ups
20 reps
Can be done off a wall or counter-top: perform push up and when you are at the bottom, push off the counter as hard as you can so you are standing up straight.
Toe-touch Crunches
20 reps
Perform slowly and reach for toes.
Stationary Lunges
10 each leg
Perform all 10 on one leg before moving to the other, place hands on hips and remember to look UP to maintain posture and balance.
30 seconds
Keep back straight, core tight, and arms shoulder-width apart. Remember to breathe normally.
Calf Press
Perform at moderate pace, don’t bother counting, just keep going until you can’t do any more…then do 10 more J
Roll Up Crunch
20 reps
Perform slowly with control, keep core tight.
 1 minute
 pushup-stand-jump squat-repeat

This is an example of the type of workout my clients might receive in the first phase of their training program with me. They also receive links with each exercise to detailed video instructions on how to properly perform each exercise. I also advise on proper warm up, cool down, and flexibility training with every program.

Try this one out at the gym or at home and leave a comment to let me know how it went!!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Upper-Body Mayhem!!!

My personal goal in 2015 is to put some serious muscle on my upper body, especially my shoulders and back. Building muscle isn't always as easy as it sounds, and finding workouts that really do the job can be full of trial and error. The important factor that people forget when trying to put on mass on any muscle group involves a few factors: 1) time under tension 2) total amount of reps 3) rest according to your goals.

This workout has fit the bill for me in the last few months, offering a high-paced, strength-based workout that does double duty- lifting and cardio in ONE!! BOOM! Here is is:

-5-7 min cardio warm-up and 10-15 min stretching, focusing on the upper body

SUPER SET #1- perform 5 rounds, 10 reps of each, little to no rest between
-Barbell Military Press
-Front Deltoid Raise with Plate
-Tricep Dips

SUPER SET#2- perform 5 rounds, 10 reps of each, little to no rest between
-Lateral Deltoid Raise
-Barbell Bicep Curls
-Arnold Press
-Bent Row

SUPER SET #3- perform 5 rounds, 10 reps of each, little to no rest between
-Tricep Kickbacks
-Front Cable Deltoid Extension
-Pull Ups (on assisted machine if needed)
-Upright Row

Incase you can't math, that's 600 reps!!! Oh, and you should push to get this entire workout done in 45 minutes! YES!! You can do it!!! You might curse me at the end, but your welcome ;)

If you like this kind of madness, you would LOVE my personalized workout programs! Check out my rates below and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions!!

Go make them gains, and if you try this workout and survive, post a comment and share!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Knee pain is an issue that ails most people. Some suffer due to orthopedic injuries, others from weight gain and neglect. Whichever side of the scale you find yourself on, there are a few ways that if applied consistently, can increase knee joint stability and reduce pain.

1) Watch your form- This is for the current gym-goer... you know who you are. You 'forget' to throw a leg day into your routine on a regular basis due to the fact that every time you squat, your knees kill you for days after. Plain and simple, most people I see at the gym are executing squat exercises with improper form. Take a look at this diagram and consider your form...
2) Know your weaknesses- If you are a full-time student or desk-bound worker, you will commonly suffer from tight abdominals and hip flexors and weak, underactive glutes. If you are an active individual who spends most of the day on your feet, you are likely to experience weakness in the quads and tightness in the hamstrings and glutes. Knowing what your weaknesses are is a great way to start developing a program that stretches the muscles that are overactive and strengthen the ones that are underactive. Muscle tension relationships are key to relieving knee pain.
3) Commit to your success- Creating permanent changes in muscles and joints does not happen overnight. The key to lasting joint health is consistent work and sufficient rest. You must adhere to a strengthening and stretching program for a minimum of 4 weeks to see your body respond, and 12 weeks or more to develop permanent changes. This must include bodyweight and resistance training, flexibility, and conditioning.

Here are a few exercises that if added to your current routine, can increase knee joint strength and stability:

Always include a warm-up- A proper warm-up before any exercise will help to increase your flexibility, deliver blood and nutrients into your muscles, prime the heart for an increase in work load, and is the first-time in defense against injuries. Always spend 5-7 min warming up via walking or biking, followed by 10-15 min of stretching. Start with static stretches of the quads, hamstrings, calfs and glutes, and work your way up the body.

Bodyweight Squats performed at a 4/2/1 Tempo- do this in front of a mirror to insure proper form. Begin in a standing position and lower yourself to a squat position on a 4 count (1 Mississippi, 2 ....). Pause for 2 seconds in the squat position, and stand back up in 1 count. This tempo will challenge your stability as well as increase your muscles' time under tension, proving to cause hypertrophy and induce new muscle growth.

Don't neglect the basics- Be sure to include exercises for the range of motion your knee is responsible for- flexion, extension, abduction and adduction. Exercises would include quadriceps extensions, hamstring curls, lateral lunges and hip adduction. When you support the joints' natural motion and strengthen it in that state, you will create your own, built-in knee brace, increasing your stability!

Take it slow- Incorporate exercises from pilates and yoga based workouts once a week. This will allow you to spend time stretching and strengthening, and since most work is done with little to no added resistance, it is often the safest way to introduce new work to a muscle or joint that has been neglected.

Listen to your body- just because the girl in the squat rack before you was doing Ass-to-Grass squats, doesn't mean you should too... listen to your body and know your limits! If you are struggling to maintain PERFECT form while squatting to 90 degrees, you have no business going lower. If an exercise elicits PAIN, stop and reevaluate your form and the weight you are working with. You wont make progress if your injured, so take it easy until you know your limits.

The most important factor to your success in reaching any fitness goal is CONSISTINCY. Implement a well-rounded exercise program that includes stability, strength, power and endurance, but also includes an opportunity for your body to rest! If you have questions about how to create your own exercise program or how to reach your fitness goals, feel free to contact me for more information at

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Transformation Tuesday! Are you ready for a change?

I believe that reaching any goal, whether it be personal, professional, physical... it has to happen in manageable, progressive changes. Below is a photo of me at my heaviest (top left), 165 lbs, below that at 150lbs, and to the left, on stage at my first NPC Bikini Competition, at 112lbs. The first and last photo are approximately 3 years apart.

I didn't wake up one day and think, "I'm going to do a bikini competition!", I woke up one day sick and tired of being overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy. That motivated me day in and day out to pursue my goal of attaining a healthier lifestyle. It took me over a year of consistency with my eating habits and exercise routine to even build up the courage and self-confidence in my new physique before I decided to compete. My journey has taught me more about myself than I could have ever imagined, and my goal as a Personal Fitness Coach is to provide my clients with the knowledge, training and insight to reach their goals.
Contact me today if it is time for a change in your lifestyle, you want to increase your existing fitness level, or your a competitive athlete. I offer a wide range of training options for all ages, fitness levels, budgets and goals.
Fitness Coaching Programs
My plans offer you a simple way to assess your fitness goals that allows me to create a customized plan for success. Affordability is an important factor to adhering to any program, so I strive to make my programs fit your budget. To determine what program fits your needs the best, consultations are always free J
4 Week Program:             $60                         $50 renew
·         A great way to jump-start your fitness journey!
·         Goal specific Weight Training and Cardio Programs
·         Customized Nutrition Assistance
·         Supplement Recommendations
·         Weekly progress check-ins
12 Week Program:          $150                       $130 renew
·         Commit to reaching your goals!
·         Customized training program with 3 Phases
·         Goal specific Weight Training and Cardio Programs
·         Customized Nutrition Assistance and Meal Prep Guide
·         Supplement Recommendations
·         Weekly progress check-ins
Customized Workout Guide       $50 *one time
Personalized exercise guide including weight training, cardio training, stability and flexibility enhancing workouts that you can mix and match to create a plan that fits your needs.
Customized Nutrition Assistance             $70 *one time                   $20 renew
If you know your way around the gym, but struggle with getting your nutrition on point to reach your goals, you are in need of some nutrition assistance! I will work with you to create a menu full of foods you enjoy and help you plan and prep your meals for success!

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Dirty Thirty

As promised, I am going to share this little gem I like to call 'The Dirty Thirty'. If your in search for a killer High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) routine, look no further, this ones' a winner! The goal is to complete sets of 30 repetitions of a select group of exercises in a circuit fashion, as many times as possible within 30 minutes. I utilized this workout weekly with the Volleyball team I conditioned last season. Here's an example:

-Start EVERY workout with a warm-up including 5-7 minutes of cardio activity- I like stationary bikes, followed by 5-10 minutes of static stretching to avoid injury while training.

Select 5-8 exercises to include in your workout, you can choose from some of these, or use your own:
bodyweight squats, walking lunges, pushups, sit ups, jump squats, tricep dips, calf raises, burpees, mountain climbers, leg lifts, plank, glute bridges, high knees.....

My workout will look like this:
30 Bodyweight Squats
30 Pushups
30 Walking Lunges (each leg)
30 Crunches
30 Lying Leg Lifts
30 Jump Squats
30 Second Plank
* 30 second REST*
Start again.... complete this circuit as many times as you can in 30 minutes. This is a great way to incorporate strength training with cardiovascular training, making your workouts more efficient.

Give this one a try and post your workout in the comment box below!!!

Life is all about choices....

Life is all about choices. The choices we make on a daily basis directly affect one another, creating consequences to our actions. Sometimes these consequences are positive, sometimes they are negative. Let’s visit the path most like to avoid, the negative consequence of our actions, and how they affected my personal health, happiness and ultimately control over my life. Like many of us have experienced before, or maybe even right now, where we are enslaved to a job that literally sucks the life out of us. Almost all of us have been there. I worked a job that ran me into the ground physically, emotionally and psychologically. Because of a chronic lack of time due to overwhelming work tasks, I adopted the life of a convenience-junkie. I skipped breakfast most days to get to work early and get things done, eat fast food with my co-workers while we bitch about how much we all hate our jobs, then have a late dinner of god-knows-whatever is left over or strikes my fancy on the drive home. Not to mention the alcohol we had all grown to depend upon. Long hours means no energy… which means no exercise, or physical activity at all for that matter. I had hit an all-time low- I gained weight rapidly due to stress and over-eating, lack of exercise and lack of rest, putting on over 30lbs on top of the 20lbs I was already holding on to. The weight gain triggered pain from preexisting orthopedic injuries, mainly my knee, to a point where it was difficult to walk. I was well aware of the slippery slope I was sliding down, but building anxiety and devastating depression made it difficult to convince myself to get out of bed, let alone get my fat ass to the gym. This cycle continued for years. Four years of torture and torment that I put myself through until I came to a realization: if I continue to let myself live this life of constant unhappiness and unhealthiness, where will I be in 5 years? In 10 years? I had to make a choice (enter: positive consequences). I quit the job that was slowly killing me, instantly relieving the stress and anxiety in my life. I had let my career morph into a job, and I lost my love for what I did, so I found no reason to continue to maintain my cycle of unhappiness. I decided to visit a specialist who I was referred to for my chronic knee pain, and this was the pivotal moment in my life. He told me that I have 2 options: I can go ahead and have surgery to correct the issue- which would be extremely evasive and require 9-12 month recovery, OR I could try losing some weight and see how that relieves my pain. Well, needless to say, when a doctor pretty much calls you fat, you start to re-evaluate yourself!! And that’s just what I did. I made a choice, because I finally realized that MY HAPPIENESS IS UP TO ME! I began doing research on exercises for weight loss, bearing in mind that my knee injury made doing just about anything a painful task. I began college and started my first semester by taking some Athletic Training courses. I began to gain interest in athletics, fitness and exercise and started doing my own research- reading articles and books and browsing sites like Pinterest looking for ways to workout, since I lacked formal know-how. The more I learned, the more I applied to my own life. And the more I learned, the deeper I would dive into topics like strength training, different cardio workouts and how to erase my portion-distortion and start eating right. By making small changes to my life, I was able to modify my lifestyle in a way that wasn’t shocking or overwhelming, but manageable and progressive. I got a gym membership and starting making it a scheduled appointment every day. Slowly but surely, the pounds started to come off and I started feeling relief from my knee pain. I was consistent with monitoring my progress and when I ran into a plateau, it was time to hit the books again and search for an answer. A year later, I had lost 35 lbs, completely changed my diet and eating habits, lost the stress, anxiety and depression and finally gained confidence in my physical appearance. Did I have challenges? YES! Was it an uphill battle? YES! Did I feel like giving up? HELL NO! You will have a week where you can’t find time to get to the gym. That’s ok. You will have a busy weekend and eat out more than you should. That’s ok too! It’s life! I would often reflect on my accomplishments and think, “If I can do it on my own, I should help others do it too…” Many of my friends were in the same boat as I once sat in, sinking, knowing my health was suffering, but unable to get out because a lack of knowledge. So, I began studying to become a Personal Trainer. The moment I began my studies, I knew I had finally found something that I enjoyed. I kept on my journey towards bettering my own life; after I had lost the excess weight and gained some confidence, I decided it was time to take it up a notch and began training for my first NPC Bikini Competition. Being a competitive person by nature, I knew that by adding some outside pressure that I could push myself to work harder on my physique. I became completely surrounded by all things health and fitness: finishing up my AS in Athletic Training, working part time as a Personal Trainer in a gym, part time Volleyball coach, and bikini competitor. Wheew! But I wouldn’t have it any other way- I have learned more in the last 2 1/2 years of my life being involved in the fitness industry than I could ever expect. Since beginning my journey toward rebuilding my life from the inside out, I’ve not only lost (about 45lbs total) but I have gained. I have gained strength, confidence, motivation, work ethic, self-control, self-respect, courage, confidence and more important than anything else, self-love. I learned that by loving yourself and putting your needs first it the only way I could attain and maintain happiness. We are all taught at some point or another that we should always put others first and let our wants and needs fall by the way-side. Well Ladies and Gents, that’s just wrong. If you are not in charge of your life, who is? If you are not responsible for your health, who is? I got tired of letting the blame go on some figurative idea that you should ignore yourself and put everyone else first and I put the blame on myself. I am the only person who is in charge of how I feel when I wake up every day. I am the one in charge of what goes into my body. It’s MY fault if I didn’t make enough time to get to the gym. I took ownership of my life and miraculously, BOOM! Everything fell into place. I stopped living in the “What If” and the “I wish I could..” instead I just did it! Manipulating my lifestyle to attain better health and well-being is the best decision I ever made. Let’s face it, health insurance these days sucks, and the best preventative medicine you can administer to yourself is taking care of the beautiful body you have! You’re only issued one, and you have to make it last as long as possible- and that’s exactly what I plan to do. You may be reading this now and know the feelings, the pressure, the anxiety that I am talking about… and if that’s you, THIS IS YOUR TIME. Don’t wait. It’s time to make yourself a priority, and believe me, everyone and everything in your life will reward you for it. If you have any questions about my personal journey of self-discovery and how I can help you reach your personal goals through constructing healthy lifestyle habits, please do not hesitate to contact me at