Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Cherry on Top

No, I'm not talking about Ice Cream Sundays here (sorry). I'm talking about the 'Cherry" on top of your workouts- the importance of 'finishing' exercises.

A 'finisher' is a specific exercise used at the end of a workout to push that specific muscle past its working volume. Simply put, when you think you can't do one more, you do it anyways. Here's an example: at the end of my glute-specific workout, when I feel my butt-cheeks physically trembling and I am uncertain if walking out of the gym is even an option, here comes the FINISHER:

5 sets of 10 reps each, each leg: (I use 2.5 lb ankle weights) Performed slowly for maximum burn ;)
- Triple Extension (aka Donkey Kick)
- Fire Hydrant
- Rainbow Kicks
(video on my IG/FB)

I have also posted my shoulder finisher on my social media pages :)

Doing this circuit at the end of a heavy lifting workout will push the muscle to completely fatigue. The reason we do finishers is to encourage hypertrophy, which leads to muscle growth. Hypertrophy is described as an enlarging of the muscle fiber (or cell) due to physical stress. Think about your ankle swelling up after twisting it- your bodies response to damage is sending fluid to the area to help sort things out. Same idea applies- your heart shuttles blood to that area to help it rebuild. This floods this already fatigued muscle or muscle group with blood carrying precious nutrients from your diet to rebuild and repair the muscle. Using 'finishers' , or hypertrophy training methods are proven especially effective when attempting to add size as well as strength to a muscle.

There's really no wrong or right way to add 'finishers' to your exercise routine, but I recommend beginning slowly. If you are new to fitness, pick 1 exercise that really strains that particular muscle, but that is done in a safe, stable environment. Yes, squatting a super heavy weight will encourage hypertrophy, but if you are already tired, you can seriously injure yourself. I stick to low weight, high repetition exercises like the routine above, or just grabbing some 10 lb dumbbells at the end of my bicep workout and curl away until I cant feel my arms anymore, usually around 100 reps.

Adding a simple finisher to the end of any workout will push that muscle "over the edge" so-to-speak and encourage more growth... but remember, that means more soreness, too. Make sure you spend EXTRA time foam rolling and stretching that muscle both immediately after your workout, then a few hours later or before bed. Make sure to drink plenty of water and go to bed drinking a tasty *Hibernate protein shake to give your body the fuel to build and repair your muscles while you sleep! *You can get Hibernate, as well as other quality sports nutrition products from, and enter discount code LYNDSIE20 at check-out to receive 20% off your entire order!

If you have any questions about 'finishers', hypertrophy training or proper supplementation for growing those muscles, please feel free to contact me!

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