I have created a NEW website that offers all I have here on my blog AND MORE! Follow the link below to check it out!
Online and In-Person Training, offering 100% Custom Fitness Programs for any fitness level and goal!
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
HOT Summer Specials!
Everyone has their own personal 'body goals' like having 6-pack abs, super lean legs, or sculpted arms and back ... Reach your goals by focusing on what you want to see with one (or more) of the following programs, each only $30:
- Build a Better Booty- Maybe you lost weigh and your booty went along with it, or you just never had a butt to begin with- I've got your fix! Adding lean muscle to your backside is a science, and I have spent almost a year perfecting this program aimed to adding size to your glutes, lifting and tightening, while sculpting your legs. This program includes a complete training program with specific cardio training, weight training, stretching and conditioning programs to burn fat and build muscle. The workouts get progressively more difficult over time, giving you 6 months worth of programing to help you reach and maintain your goals!
-Sexy Summer Abs- Whether you want a visible 6-pack or you just want to slim down your midsection and get rid of that muffin-top, my core training program is just for you! This program includes specific weight training and cardio training exercises and schedule to help you shed belly fat. A lethal combination of different training methods is the secret to a sexy midsection, as well as nutrition tips to help you eat for success! Use this program to reach your goals, and continue specific exercises to maintain the body you build!
-Tank Top Arms and Back- Feeling confident in a tank top or sleeveless outfit can be tough if you've got 'bat wings' flapping' in the breeze! This program will burn fat and sculpt your upper body to help you look great and feel confident in anything you wear this summer! See definition and shape in your arms, shoulders and back for a beautiful silhouette, not to mention a serious increase in STRENGTH! Protect yourself from neck and back strains and shoulder instability with this combination of weight lifting and body weight exercises for serious results!
Choose one of your favorites for $30, or combine any 2 programs for $60 and get a FREE Nutrition Program to help you reach your goals even FASTER (a $50 value)! Start your program TODAY and start seeing results!
Above is a photo of my BOOTY GAINS over the last 6 months using my Build a Better Booty Program. On the right is OCT 2014, 111lbs, 17% body fat and glute measurement = 34 inches. On the right is the beginning of MAY 2015, 125lbs, STILL 17% body fat and glute = 38 inches. Measurements don't lie, folks! I have some 'before and after' photos for my other programs as well, just ask!
Send a message to Lyndsiemfitness@aol.com with you first and last name, and the program you are interested in to get started today!
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Popular Diets- Decoded
There are so many buzz words out
there to describe eating habits- different diet trends, fads and medical breakthroughs
leave most people confused and frustrated. Atkins, Paleo, Vegan, Gluten-Free,
Clean Eating, and Flexible Dieting (“If it fits your macros”/IIFYM) … but what
does it all mean? And how do you know what diet is best for you? I am going to
summarize some of the most popular diets to give you the information you need
to make an educated decision. You must choose your eating habits according to
your health and fitness goals. Some people may have dietary restrictions due to
medical conditions, others in order to achieve a certain physique- either way,
your DIET is what will initiate a change in your body. Take a moment to learn
about your options, and feel free to contact me for a complementary fitness
consultation, and I can help you choose what is best for you J
Atkins Diet- This diet is known as a low-carbohydrate
diet; intake is usually between 20-50g/day. When an individual limits their
carbohydrate and sugar intake, it causes the body to tap into the stored fat
the individual is carrying as an energy source. This diet helps an individual
keep their blood glucose (sugar) levels even throughout the day- assisting in
allowing the body to lose FAT as well as reduce cravings for sugar. This diet
is great for individuals who are fairly sedentary, as carbs = energy. If you
sit at a desk in front of a computer 8 hours a day, you obviously don’t need as
much energy available as someone who does manual labor all day. Also, individuals who are diabetic, or
pre-diabetic can benefit from a low sugar/carb diet to control their condition.
Click this link to learn more about the
science behind the Atkins Diet http://www.atkins.com/how-it-works/library/articles/scientific-research
Paleo Diet- This diet is known as the “Caveman Diet”,
focusing on foods that our pre-historic, hunter-gatherer ancestors would have
survived off of. This diet includes
fresh meats (preferably grass fed/organic), fresh fruits and vegetables, and
healthy fats such as oils and nuts. This diet limits dairy, processed grains,
and refined sugar- since these items were obviously not available 2.6 million
years ago. The Paleo diet has been proven to assist those suffering from many
medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes and cancer. Click this link to learn more about the
science behind the Paleo Diet http://thepaleodiet.com/getting-started-with-the-paleo-diet/
Gluten Free Diet- Gluten is a protein found in wheat and
grain that is the sticky substance that holds those types of foods together,
like pasta and bread. Gluten has the ability to cause inflammation in the
digestive tract, causing poor nutritional absorption, increased belly fat, and
higher risk for diabetes and even some types of cancer. A Gluten Free diet
avoids wheat-based products and opts for carbohydrate sources that are made
from corn, flax and other acceptable grains. This diet is intended for those
with Crohns Disease, IBS and Celiac Disease, where individuals are prone to
damaging inflammation. Click this link
to learn more about the science behind eating a Gluten Free Diet http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/gluten-free-diet/art-20048530
Vegetarian- A vegetarian diet consists of foods such as
grains, beans, fruits, vegetables and dairy products- avoiding meat. This
plant-based diet can be very beneficial for some, if they are able to keep
their diet balanced with proper ratios of carbs, fat and protein. Many
vegetarians choose this as a lifestyle, not just a ‘diet’, others eat a
vegetarian diet because of an inability to process proteins properly, making
meat difficult to digest. Click this link to learn more about the science
behind eating a Vegetarian diet http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/vegetarian-diet/art-20046446
Vegan- Veganism is one of many sub-types of vegetarianism
that excludes any type of animal product such as meat, dairy and eggs. This diet
consists primarily of legumes, grains, fruits and vegetables, non-dairy milk, tofu,
and any “Vegan” marketed product.
Clean Eating- A “Clean” diet consists of choosing the
healthiest options from each food group, embracing whole grains, fruits, vegetables,
lean meat and healthy fats. Most individuals on this type of diet shun any type
of processed foods or refined sugars. This diet is most common among athletes
and fitness competitors for its balanced approach to receiving the best
nutritional content in their diet for optimum performance. This diet is very beneficial
for those just beginning a new fitness routine, as it delivers nutrients
without all the ‘extras’ – helping some break their junk food or sugar
addictions, and focusing on portion control. Click this link to learn more about the
science behind Clean Eating http://www.webmd.com/diet/mayo-clinic-diet
Flexible Dieting- Flexible dieting is not a ‘diet’, it is a
nutritional concept based off of an individual’s daily caloric and
macronutrient needs. This eating habit is most acceptable for those who have a
FULL understanding of how nutrients affects the body, and manipulating ones’
macronutrient ratios to attain or maintain a desired physique. Flexible Dieters
must like math, because it is necessary to keep track of ones’ macro ratios and
pay close attention to nutritional information and portion sizes. The theory
behind Flexible Dieting, or commonly referred to IIFYM (if it fits your macros),
is eating what you want, when you want to, as long as it fits the macro ratios
you have set for that day. I am a flexible dieter myself, and for the most part
I eat clean, but if I can calorically afford some pizza and still reach my
goals, you better believe I’m gonna have some pizza. It’s about having the will
power to follow a plan to reach your fitness goals and know when it’s OK to ‘cheat’.
**Be sure you know what you are doing
and understand the effect of nutrients on the body before you attempt to diet
in this manner.
Carb Cycling- Carb cycling is a diet program that alternates
the amount of carbohydrates on eats on a daily bases. This program is best for
athletes and physique competitors because it offers the carbohydrates one needs
to have the energy to accomplish difficult workouts, but allows for a low in carbohydrates
that allows for maintaining low body fat. Like Flexible Dieting, this method of
dieting is more advanced, as your diet changes DAILY and you must pay attention
to the pattern in which you are following and is much more structured. There is
less room for error is one is carb cycling for a certain effect like lean muscle
gain and simultaneous fat loss. “Cheat” meals must be planned, and your
exercise schedule has to be EXACT to succeed with carb cycling.
Ketogenic Diet- The Ketogenic Diet is based off of the
metabolic process called Ketosis- the ability of your body to used stored fat
as fuel for energy rather than glucose (sugar). Similar to the Atkins Diet, Keto
Diets are low in carbohydrates, but differ because of the amount of fat and
protein involved. Although this diet has been beneficial for individuals with specific
medical conditions, it has many contraindications and possible dangers if not
done properly. Click this link to learn more about the science behind Ketogenic
Diets http://www.ketogenic-diet-resource.com/ketogenic-diet-plan.html
High Protein- A High Protein diet can be beneficial for SOME
individuals for a SHORT period of time. Studies show that high amounts of
protein often come with high amounts of fats and/or cholesterol, which can be
harmful. Some Body Building Athletes
might follow a high protein diet for a short period of time to encourage new muscle
growth- but will often cycle back to their ‘maintenance diet’ soon after to avoid
gaining fat and consuming unnecessary cholesterol. Your individual protein
intake must be balanced according to a few factors and it is important to not
over-consume protein- it is not “more is better”.
Glycemic Diet- Or Glycemic Index Diet is based off of the
Glycemic Index- outlining the carbohydrate/sugar content of foods from low to
high, and aiming to eat only foods on the ‘low’ end of the index. This form of
dieting is very beneficial for those with diabetes, pre-diabetic and with
history of heart disease. This diet is not necessarily designed for weight loss
or weight management, but is a form of dieting that is preventative and
precautionary for those with medical conditions involving blood glucose. I incorporate
low-glycemic carbs in my own meal plan as well as my clients to defer blood
sugar spikes that often lead to cravings. Click this link to learn more about
the science behind Glycemic Diets http://www.webmd.com/diet/glycemic-index-diet
Other popular diets include the Mediterranean
Diet, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem…. These are all sub-groups of
Clean-Eating, just set up with specific calorie intake and portion control for
the specific goal of weight loss and weight control.
I hope that these simple explanations
has helped decode some of the popular diets out there, and help you learn about
what might be best for you. Again, if you have questions about nutrition or how
to approach dieting to reach your goals, you can reach me via email at lyndsiemfitness@aol.com
Friday, May 8, 2015
Sleep for Success
As a Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach, I really dive deep into my clients daily life to find ways for them to be successful at achieving their goals, whether that be weight loss, muscle gain, or athletic conditioning. Every part of your daily life has an impact on reaching your goals- your activity and diet are the most common variables we think about when talking about "getting in shape". The most commonly overlooked, yet most important variable for not only weight loss, but general health is SLEEP.
I have had multiple clients struggle with this task, blocking them from losing weight and eventually causing a plateau. Why? Because if your body doesn't have the adequate time to get quality rest, it cannot rebuild and repair itself. Experts say that two-thirds of Americans don't get enough sleep. Are you one of them?
What happens to your body when you don't sleep enough:
-Lack of proper rest inhibits the frontal lobe of your brain. When you fail to get enough sleep, this part of your brain has trouble with decision-making and impulse control. So, if you are working your ass off to lose weight, why subject yourself to the increased probability that your brain will convince you to skip a workout and grab some take-out for dinner, because you are too tired to cook.
-When you have failed to get enough sleep for a few days in a row, it starts having a heavier effect on your brain- your 'reward-centers' start looking for ways to gain pleasure- leading to late-night snacking and inability to demonstrate portion control. Studies have shown that individuals who fail to get enough sleep on a regular basis not only participate in more 'snacking', but choose foods high in carbohydrates like chips or cookies, obviously stunting ones' weight loss.
-A lack of sleep also affects our hormones, the chemical messengers that are regulated by your body, sent out to communicate with everything else to keep your body in a state of homeostasis. These little guys are very touchy, especially when it comes to adequate rest. The two that are most affected are ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin is the hormone that tells your brain that you are hungry, and it's time to eat- these levels rise when you are low on rest. Leptin does the opposite- telling your brain that you are full- these levels plummet when you are tired. Do you see what's going on here? A lack of sleep is teaching your body to sabotage itself!
-When your hormone levels as well as blood sugar levels cannot stay in a balanced state, your body will hold onto excess body fat thanks to another hormone, cortisol. This is a stress hormone that your body triggers when it is under any type of stress- including lack of proper sleep.
Why you should aim to get more sleep:
-Research suggests that people who get at least 7 hours of sleep per night lose 55% more weight than individuals who fail to sleep enough.
-Late night snacking can increase likelihood of heartburn and other gastrointestinal discomforts, which will cause you to lose MORE sleep, continuing the cycle. Stop snacking, start sleeping!
HOW can I get more quality sleep?:
Creating a sleep schedule and routine helps in getting our body ready to relax and quiet your mind to get the best possible sleep. Here are some tips:
-STOP using your cell phone, lap top or television 1 hour before bed. The brightness of the screen convinces your brain that it is still day time and shuts off the production of melatonin in your brain, the hormone that makes you sleepy. Read a book (from a REAL book, not a tablet) instead.
-Find things that relax you- and do it! I like to spend some time before bed foam rolling and stretching my whole body. This helps me relieve physical stress from my body before bed. I dim the lights, light up a candle and put on some quiet music- I try to make it like the treatment rooms at a fancy spa- instant relaxation! By the time I am done, I am feeling lose, relaxed and ready for bed!
-Stick to a schedule. If you know you have to wake up at 6am every day, do the math... what time do you have to be ASLEEP by to get 8 hours? Start your bed-time routine an hour or so before that. Having a "bed time" isn't just for kids, it's for smart people, too ;)
-Save your bedroom for 2 things- sleep and sex. Seriously. If you spend all your spare time in your bedroom, lounging around, your telling your mind and body that this is NOT a relaxation zone. You have to physically separate the spaces in which you spend time in leisure from your bedroom.
-Cut the caffeine- I don't care who you are- the avid coffee drinker or someone who completely avoids- caffeine stays in your body, keeping you awake and alert for 5-6 hours post consumption. Cut off ANY caffeine before 3 pm to allow yourself time to unwind, relax, and experience what it feels like to be tired- you will sleep much more sound!
If you feel like you are hitting a wall with your physique- either gaining weight, failing to lose when you try, or you just don't feel 'right' - odds are that your sleep pattern is to blame. Pay careful attention to the time you spend before bed to create a successful resting environment and work towards finding solutions to your specific challenges. YOU are the only person who is control of your life- what you eat, where you go, what you do, and HOW MUCH YOU SLEEP. Take control of this aspect of your life, and you will be surprised how everything else falls into place :)
If you need further help creating a proficient bed-time routine, or would like more info on how I can help you create a healthier, happier lifestyle, feel free to email me at lyndsiemfitness@aol.com
I have had multiple clients struggle with this task, blocking them from losing weight and eventually causing a plateau. Why? Because if your body doesn't have the adequate time to get quality rest, it cannot rebuild and repair itself. Experts say that two-thirds of Americans don't get enough sleep. Are you one of them?
What happens to your body when you don't sleep enough:
-Lack of proper rest inhibits the frontal lobe of your brain. When you fail to get enough sleep, this part of your brain has trouble with decision-making and impulse control. So, if you are working your ass off to lose weight, why subject yourself to the increased probability that your brain will convince you to skip a workout and grab some take-out for dinner, because you are too tired to cook.
-When you have failed to get enough sleep for a few days in a row, it starts having a heavier effect on your brain- your 'reward-centers' start looking for ways to gain pleasure- leading to late-night snacking and inability to demonstrate portion control. Studies have shown that individuals who fail to get enough sleep on a regular basis not only participate in more 'snacking', but choose foods high in carbohydrates like chips or cookies, obviously stunting ones' weight loss.
-A lack of sleep also affects our hormones, the chemical messengers that are regulated by your body, sent out to communicate with everything else to keep your body in a state of homeostasis. These little guys are very touchy, especially when it comes to adequate rest. The two that are most affected are ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin is the hormone that tells your brain that you are hungry, and it's time to eat- these levels rise when you are low on rest. Leptin does the opposite- telling your brain that you are full- these levels plummet when you are tired. Do you see what's going on here? A lack of sleep is teaching your body to sabotage itself!
-When your hormone levels as well as blood sugar levels cannot stay in a balanced state, your body will hold onto excess body fat thanks to another hormone, cortisol. This is a stress hormone that your body triggers when it is under any type of stress- including lack of proper sleep.
Why you should aim to get more sleep:
-Research suggests that people who get at least 7 hours of sleep per night lose 55% more weight than individuals who fail to sleep enough.
-Late night snacking can increase likelihood of heartburn and other gastrointestinal discomforts, which will cause you to lose MORE sleep, continuing the cycle. Stop snacking, start sleeping!
HOW can I get more quality sleep?:
Creating a sleep schedule and routine helps in getting our body ready to relax and quiet your mind to get the best possible sleep. Here are some tips:
-STOP using your cell phone, lap top or television 1 hour before bed. The brightness of the screen convinces your brain that it is still day time and shuts off the production of melatonin in your brain, the hormone that makes you sleepy. Read a book (from a REAL book, not a tablet) instead.
-Find things that relax you- and do it! I like to spend some time before bed foam rolling and stretching my whole body. This helps me relieve physical stress from my body before bed. I dim the lights, light up a candle and put on some quiet music- I try to make it like the treatment rooms at a fancy spa- instant relaxation! By the time I am done, I am feeling lose, relaxed and ready for bed!
-Stick to a schedule. If you know you have to wake up at 6am every day, do the math... what time do you have to be ASLEEP by to get 8 hours? Start your bed-time routine an hour or so before that. Having a "bed time" isn't just for kids, it's for smart people, too ;)
-Save your bedroom for 2 things- sleep and sex. Seriously. If you spend all your spare time in your bedroom, lounging around, your telling your mind and body that this is NOT a relaxation zone. You have to physically separate the spaces in which you spend time in leisure from your bedroom.
-Cut the caffeine- I don't care who you are- the avid coffee drinker or someone who completely avoids- caffeine stays in your body, keeping you awake and alert for 5-6 hours post consumption. Cut off ANY caffeine before 3 pm to allow yourself time to unwind, relax, and experience what it feels like to be tired- you will sleep much more sound!
If you feel like you are hitting a wall with your physique- either gaining weight, failing to lose when you try, or you just don't feel 'right' - odds are that your sleep pattern is to blame. Pay careful attention to the time you spend before bed to create a successful resting environment and work towards finding solutions to your specific challenges. YOU are the only person who is control of your life- what you eat, where you go, what you do, and HOW MUCH YOU SLEEP. Take control of this aspect of your life, and you will be surprised how everything else falls into place :)
If you need further help creating a proficient bed-time routine, or would like more info on how I can help you create a healthier, happier lifestyle, feel free to email me at lyndsiemfitness@aol.com
Monday, May 4, 2015
EXLR8 Personal Fitness Training Programs
Contact me today if it is time for a change in your lifestyle, you want to increase your existing fitness level, or you are a competitive athlete. I offer a wide range of training options for all ages, fitness levels, budgets and goals.
Fitness Coaching Programs
My plans offer you a simple way to assess your fitness goals that allows me to create a customized plan for success. Affordability is an important factor to adhering to any program, so I strive to make my programs fit your budget. To determine what program fits your needs the best, consultations are always free J
4 Week Program: $60 $50 renew
· A great way to jump-start your fitness journey!
· Goal specific Weight Training and Cardio Programs
· Customized Nutrition Assistance
· Supplement Recommendations
· Weekly progress check-ins
12 Week Program: $150 $130 renew
· Commit to reaching your goals!
· Customized training program with 3 Phases
· Goal specific Weight Training and Cardio Programs
· Customized Nutrition Assistance and Meal Prep Guide
· Supplement Recommendations
· Weekly progress check-ins
Customized Workout Guide $50 *one time
Personalized exercise guide including weight training, cardio training, stability and flexibility enhancing workouts that you can mix and match to create a plan that fits your needs.
Customized Nutrition Assistance $70 *one time $20 renew
If you know your way around the gym, but struggle with getting your nutrition on point to reach your goals, you are in need of some nutrition assistance! I will work with you to create a menu full of foods you enjoy and help you plan and prep your meals for success!
If you are interested in any of these programs, or would like more information about my Sport-Specific Athletic Enhancement Programs, please email me at lyndsiemfitness@aol.com. I offer a complete fitness assessment as part of my complementary consultation, so curiosity is welcome and you are not obligated to purchase ;) Let me show you what I can do to help you reach your health and fitness goals, once and for all!
Week 1 without Soda.. 3 Pounds of Sugar cont.
Well, It's been 1 week since Matt gave up soda cold turkey. To read the original post about his ridiculous soda addiction, click this link http://lyndsiemfitness.blogspot.com/2015/04/3-pounds-of-sugar.html
For those of you who know what's up, Matt was VERY successful in his goal to give up soda for good. The first few days were a little shaky, his energy levels were lower than usual and he had minor headaches in the afternoon from the lack of caffeine and sugar- nothing a cup of coffee couldn't solve. He noticed that after the first few days, he didn't feel as if he was craving soda, so we put his will power to the test. We went out to dinner on Thursday night, and I was 50% sure he was going to break down, but to my surprise, when I ordered my "water with lemon", he responded "make that two". **So proud** Here's the physiological results of his breaking this habit:
Initial Data from 4/26 (day before the detox):
Body Weight: 165.4lbs Body Fat %: 8% Resting HR: 73BPM
Right Bicep: 13.5in Chest: 36.5in Waist: 32.5in
Hip: 34.25in Right Quad: 19in Right Calf: 13.25in
Data from 5/2, one week later:
Body Weight: 163.4lbs (2 lbs lost) Body Fat %: measured monthly Resting HR: 63BPM
Right Bicep: 13.5in Chest: 36.5in Waist: 32in (-.5)
Hip: 34in (-.25) Right Quad: 18in (-1) Right Calf: 13.25in
I knew that he would lose at least 2 lbs, so no surprise there. He lost a few inches as well, but he has also found that he has a bigger appetite since quitting soda- surprise, surprise, because he's not drinking his calories!! What I found interesting was the change in his resting heart rate. It was measured both times at the same time of day, after resting for over 30 minutes- his heart rate one week after giving up caffeine and sugar was a whole 10 beats per minute slower! Just goes to show that all that stuff DOES get you all hopped up on the crazy! No wonder so many people I know are insomniacs! Ok, so I will let you know how the next week goes, we have decided to add some more cardio to our training routine- if he's going to be leaning out, I better start cutting, too. Boo.
Any questions? Fire away!
For those of you who know what's up, Matt was VERY successful in his goal to give up soda for good. The first few days were a little shaky, his energy levels were lower than usual and he had minor headaches in the afternoon from the lack of caffeine and sugar- nothing a cup of coffee couldn't solve. He noticed that after the first few days, he didn't feel as if he was craving soda, so we put his will power to the test. We went out to dinner on Thursday night, and I was 50% sure he was going to break down, but to my surprise, when I ordered my "water with lemon", he responded "make that two". **So proud** Here's the physiological results of his breaking this habit:
Initial Data from 4/26 (day before the detox):
Body Weight: 165.4lbs Body Fat %: 8% Resting HR: 73BPM
Right Bicep: 13.5in Chest: 36.5in Waist: 32.5in
Hip: 34.25in Right Quad: 19in Right Calf: 13.25in
Data from 5/2, one week later:
Body Weight: 163.4lbs (2 lbs lost) Body Fat %: measured monthly Resting HR: 63BPM
Right Bicep: 13.5in Chest: 36.5in Waist: 32in (-.5)
Hip: 34in (-.25) Right Quad: 18in (-1) Right Calf: 13.25in
I knew that he would lose at least 2 lbs, so no surprise there. He lost a few inches as well, but he has also found that he has a bigger appetite since quitting soda- surprise, surprise, because he's not drinking his calories!! What I found interesting was the change in his resting heart rate. It was measured both times at the same time of day, after resting for over 30 minutes- his heart rate one week after giving up caffeine and sugar was a whole 10 beats per minute slower! Just goes to show that all that stuff DOES get you all hopped up on the crazy! No wonder so many people I know are insomniacs! Ok, so I will let you know how the next week goes, we have decided to add some more cardio to our training routine- if he's going to be leaning out, I better start cutting, too. Boo.
Any questions? Fire away!
Sunday, May 3, 2015
The Cherry on Top
No, I'm not talking about Ice Cream Sundays here (sorry). I'm talking about the 'Cherry" on top of your workouts- the importance of 'finishing' exercises.
A 'finisher' is a specific exercise used at the end of a workout to push that specific muscle past its working volume. Simply put, when you think you can't do one more, you do it anyways. Here's an example: at the end of my glute-specific workout, when I feel my butt-cheeks physically trembling and I am uncertain if walking out of the gym is even an option, here comes the FINISHER:
5 sets of 10 reps each, each leg: (I use 2.5 lb ankle weights) Performed slowly for maximum burn ;)
- Triple Extension (aka Donkey Kick)
- Fire Hydrant
- Rainbow Kicks
(video on my IG/FB)
I have also posted my shoulder finisher on my social media pages :)
Doing this circuit at the end of a heavy lifting workout will push the muscle to completely fatigue. The reason we do finishers is to encourage hypertrophy, which leads to muscle growth. Hypertrophy is described as an enlarging of the muscle fiber (or cell) due to physical stress. Think about your ankle swelling up after twisting it- your bodies response to damage is sending fluid to the area to help sort things out. Same idea applies- your heart shuttles blood to that area to help it rebuild. This floods this already fatigued muscle or muscle group with blood carrying precious nutrients from your diet to rebuild and repair the muscle. Using 'finishers' , or hypertrophy training methods are proven especially effective when attempting to add size as well as strength to a muscle.
There's really no wrong or right way to add 'finishers' to your exercise routine, but I recommend beginning slowly. If you are new to fitness, pick 1 exercise that really strains that particular muscle, but that is done in a safe, stable environment. Yes, squatting a super heavy weight will encourage hypertrophy, but if you are already tired, you can seriously injure yourself. I stick to low weight, high repetition exercises like the routine above, or just grabbing some 10 lb dumbbells at the end of my bicep workout and curl away until I cant feel my arms anymore, usually around 100 reps.
Adding a simple finisher to the end of any workout will push that muscle "over the edge" so-to-speak and encourage more growth... but remember, that means more soreness, too. Make sure you spend EXTRA time foam rolling and stretching that muscle both immediately after your workout, then a few hours later or before bed. Make sure to drink plenty of water and go to bed drinking a tasty *Hibernate protein shake to give your body the fuel to build and repair your muscles while you sleep! *You can get Hibernate, as well as other quality sports nutrition products from http://divisionsupply.com/, and enter discount code LYNDSIE20 at check-out to receive 20% off your entire order!
If you have any questions about 'finishers', hypertrophy training or proper supplementation for growing those muscles, please feel free to contact me!
A 'finisher' is a specific exercise used at the end of a workout to push that specific muscle past its working volume. Simply put, when you think you can't do one more, you do it anyways. Here's an example: at the end of my glute-specific workout, when I feel my butt-cheeks physically trembling and I am uncertain if walking out of the gym is even an option, here comes the FINISHER:
5 sets of 10 reps each, each leg: (I use 2.5 lb ankle weights) Performed slowly for maximum burn ;)
- Triple Extension (aka Donkey Kick)
- Fire Hydrant
- Rainbow Kicks
(video on my IG/FB)
I have also posted my shoulder finisher on my social media pages :)
Doing this circuit at the end of a heavy lifting workout will push the muscle to completely fatigue. The reason we do finishers is to encourage hypertrophy, which leads to muscle growth. Hypertrophy is described as an enlarging of the muscle fiber (or cell) due to physical stress. Think about your ankle swelling up after twisting it- your bodies response to damage is sending fluid to the area to help sort things out. Same idea applies- your heart shuttles blood to that area to help it rebuild. This floods this already fatigued muscle or muscle group with blood carrying precious nutrients from your diet to rebuild and repair the muscle. Using 'finishers' , or hypertrophy training methods are proven especially effective when attempting to add size as well as strength to a muscle.
There's really no wrong or right way to add 'finishers' to your exercise routine, but I recommend beginning slowly. If you are new to fitness, pick 1 exercise that really strains that particular muscle, but that is done in a safe, stable environment. Yes, squatting a super heavy weight will encourage hypertrophy, but if you are already tired, you can seriously injure yourself. I stick to low weight, high repetition exercises like the routine above, or just grabbing some 10 lb dumbbells at the end of my bicep workout and curl away until I cant feel my arms anymore, usually around 100 reps.
Adding a simple finisher to the end of any workout will push that muscle "over the edge" so-to-speak and encourage more growth... but remember, that means more soreness, too. Make sure you spend EXTRA time foam rolling and stretching that muscle both immediately after your workout, then a few hours later or before bed. Make sure to drink plenty of water and go to bed drinking a tasty *Hibernate protein shake to give your body the fuel to build and repair your muscles while you sleep! *You can get Hibernate, as well as other quality sports nutrition products from http://divisionsupply.com/, and enter discount code LYNDSIE20 at check-out to receive 20% off your entire order!
If you have any questions about 'finishers', hypertrophy training or proper supplementation for growing those muscles, please feel free to contact me!
Sunday, April 26, 2015
3 Pounds of Sugar
Those of you who know me well know how big of a nerd I can be. Over the last few years, I have developed a love for research science, and now I get to conduct my own little experiment.
My boyfriend Matt drinks on average 4-5 cans of Dr. Pepper a day. Despite my best efforts, his diet isn't the greatest either- he has been a picky eater ever since he was a child, and that's obviously not going to change. He began training with me in January- 5 days a week of strength training, 1-3 days a week steady state cardio and he will sometimes do a HIIT workout with me ;) I have managed to sneak in some extra protein to his diet via protein powder supplements, bars and other 'protein snacks' to replace his usual 3 fruit roll-ups and a rice krispy treat. He has dropped about 10 pounds just adding exercise to his routine, as well as started putting on some muscle and seeing some gains. He's a smart man, so when he listens to me lecture on about the harmful effects of sugar, the overwhelming benefits of exercise, and so on, and so on... He knows that in order to SEE the muscles he's building and get the 'cut' look he's going for, he has to reduce not only his calories, but his super high-sugar diet has to change. He has decided to cut soda out of his diet all together and is allowing me to collect data about his experience to show first-hand how a change in dietary habits can change the human body.
I've done the calculations, and the amount of soda Matt drinks in a week adds up to 5,250 calories and 1,400 grams of sugar! Did you hear me.....? That equates to 3 POUNDS OF SUGAR A WEEK. WTF?!?!?!?!?!
We are going to be charting his body weight, body fat %, body circumference measurements, cardiovascular health (via Harvard Step Test) and 1 Rep Max (bench and squat) during the course of his 'detox' from soda over the next few weeks. I expect to see him lose 1.5-2 lbs per week, which will let him start to see some more muscle definition in the next month, and some serious physique changes within the next 3 months. Not to mention the strength gains and increased cardio endurance I expect to see!
Now, I know that I don't have to lecture YOU about the harmful effect of sugar, namely soda can have on your body, but here is an excerpt from Medical Daily that I think sums it up pretty well...
"As soon as soda's swallowed, the pancreas is notified and rapidly begins to create insulin in response to the sugar. Insulin is a hormone the body uses to move sugar from food or drink into the bloodstream, where cells are then able to use sugar for energy. Within just 20 minutes, blood sugar levels spike and the liver responds to the insulin by turning sugar into fat for storage.
Within 45 minutes of gulping down a single 20-ounce glass of soda, caffeine from the drink is fully absorbed, and as a result your pupils dilate and blood pressure rises. The body produces more dopamine, which stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain — just like a low-grade line of cocaine.When the hour chimes, the body begins to experience a blood sugar crash, which is around the same time a person reaches for their second soda, or for another sweet and sugar snack to suffice. Soda’s connection to the obesity epidemic is so intertwined, Harvard researchers have calculated each additional soda consumed increases the risk of obesity 1.6 times." -Medical Daily
Matt's Initial Data (4/26/15):
Body Weight: 165.4lbs Body Fat %: 8% Resting HR: 73BPM
Right Bicep: 13.5in Chest: 36.5in Waist: 35.5in
Hip: 34.25in Right Quad: 19in Right Calf: 13.25in
Stay tuned to see how this experiment goes :) Feel free to leave your thoughts and questions in the comments below!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Leg Day got me like...
This workout is for my fit friends who have been in the gym for awhile and looking to change up your routine or need a new challenge. I have included video references of each exercise for clarity :) This workout is set up in supersets and will take approximately 45 minutes, taking minimal breaks between sets, 10-15 seconds max. It's important not to over-train- after 45-60 minutes of exercise, your body starts to use the glycogen in your muscles for fuel- and you don't want that. Make your workouts effective and efficient so you can get your workout done and enjoy the rest of your day!
Start with a warm up on an elliptical machine for 5-7 minutes, followed by stretching your lower body thoroughly for 10-15 minutes.
-You want to go as heavy as you can for each exercise while still being able to maintain PERFECT form.
Super Set #1- complete sets of 20, 3 rounds
-Squat on Bosu Ball (in video below)
-Bench Jumps with Sumo Squat https://instagram.com/p/0qVqo9xnJW/?taken-by=lyndsieanne17
-Weighted Pulse Lunges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSMNPnl2vI4
Super Set #2- complete sets of 20, 5 rounds
-Linear Leg Press Machine OR Reverse Hack Squat (I trade between the two)
-Donkey Kicks with resistance band (or cables) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBaDRYtLHtM
Super Set #3- complete sets of 10, 3 rounds
-Quadricep Extension Machine
-Hip Thrust on Quad. Ext. Machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us42gs1q_m8
-Weighted Walking Lunges
Super Set #4- complete sets of 10, 3 rounds
-Hamstring Curl Machine
-Single Leg Hamstring Curl Machine
-Weighted Calf Press
Finish off with a 5-10 min cool-down on a stationary bike and another good stretch to prevent soreness and injury!
Think you can hang? Give this workout a try and let me know how it went!!
Start with a warm up on an elliptical machine for 5-7 minutes, followed by stretching your lower body thoroughly for 10-15 minutes.
-You want to go as heavy as you can for each exercise while still being able to maintain PERFECT form.
Super Set #1- complete sets of 20, 3 rounds
-Squat on Bosu Ball (in video below)
-Bench Jumps with Sumo Squat https://instagram.com/p/0qVqo9xnJW/?taken-by=lyndsieanne17
-Weighted Pulse Lunges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSMNPnl2vI4
Super Set #2- complete sets of 20, 5 rounds
-Linear Leg Press Machine OR Reverse Hack Squat (I trade between the two)
-Donkey Kicks with resistance band (or cables) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBaDRYtLHtM
Super Set #3- complete sets of 10, 3 rounds
-Quadricep Extension Machine
-Hip Thrust on Quad. Ext. Machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us42gs1q_m8
-Weighted Walking Lunges
Super Set #4- complete sets of 10, 3 rounds
-Hamstring Curl Machine
-Single Leg Hamstring Curl Machine
-Weighted Calf Press
Finish off with a 5-10 min cool-down on a stationary bike and another good stretch to prevent soreness and injury!
Think you can hang? Give this workout a try and let me know how it went!!
Understanding Nutrition- The basics of Macronutrients
Nutrition is
defined as the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and
uses food substances for growth and repair of tissue. Now let that soak in a
Now, when I say ‘growth and repair of tissue’, what comes to
mind? Do you think your body can repair and maintain itself with the ‘nutrition’
from that Big Mac or Grande Starbucks Frap?
The one thing that I have learned that I make sure to pass
on to my clients is this: Food is not for your enjoyment or entertainment-
food is for fueling our body to complete our daily tasks. Once you are able
to change your mindset to accept this statement as truth (because it is), you
will find that your mental approach to food and eating will change.
The amount of food that you eat on a daily bases should be
based upon your daily energy needs
or expenditure. When I create plans for my clients, this is the mathematics I
use to accurately prescribe the proper ratios of each macronutrient to ensure
my clients are eating right for their goals. It’s pretty obvious, but the more
energy you expend daily, the more calories are needed to replenish and repair
what is lost during activity. If an individual is eating MORE than what their
body needs to function, and does so in a regular basis, this individual will
GAIN weight as a result of the excess calories they are consuming. And on the
contrary, when an individual does not eat enough, and is BELOW their needed
calories for the day, this individual will LOSE weight, due to a deficit of
calories consumed. The fine balance between losing, gaining or hitting a
plateau is all in the macronutrients ratios and the amount of each macronutrient
you are eating. Just a little too much of one, and not enough of another can be
the difference between losing a pound a week and gaining it.
Macronutrients, or
macros, include Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats.
The primary function of Protein
is to build and repair body tissues and structures. Protein is very important
in your body for the creation of hormones and enzymes, as well as assisting in
and other chemical reactions. Consider protein to be cornerstone to most
metabolic functions- and when protein is consumed, it is broken down by your
body into Amino Acids, the parts of the protein you consumed that your body
uses to repair tissue and make energy available. Eating the right amount of
protein for your goals will allow you to build and maintain muscle mass- but
that doesn’t mean that you can go protein-crazy! When you consume protein and
your body processes those Amino Acids, whatever is left over and isn’t necessary
for repairing something or providing energy will be stored in your body as FAT.
Consumption of protein in the right range for each individual will allow for consistent
muscle growth and repair, leading to more lean muscle mass, resulting in more
calories burned per day, ultimately leading to FAT LOSS.
We have all heard about Carbohydrates,
and I feel bad for carbs because they always get a bad ‘rap! Carbohydrates are
compounds generally classified as sugars (simple and complex) and fiber. Simple
sugars, or monosaccharides provide the body with quick, immediate energy, whereas
complex carbs, or polysaccharides, take more time to process and break down,
offering a more steady-state of energy. Carbohydrates are the chief source of
energy for all body functions, muscular exertion and activity. So tell me, why
do people ‘cut carbs’ out of their diet? Beats me. No wonder your friends on a ‘diet’
are cranky, tired, depressed and hate their life- YOU NEED CARBS! The way I
approach carbohydrates with my clients is by offering their body plenty of
energy by recommending complex carbohydrate sources that are low on the
glycemic index. The Glycemic Index
measures the effect a carbohydrate has on influencing a change on a persons’
blood glucose levels- if a food has a high glycemic rating, it has high amounts
of simple sugars, whereas low glycemic foods offer a more complex arrangement,
making them more difficult to break down. Just like protein, excess carbohydrates
that are consumed are stored in the body as FAT as a reserve source of energy.
Carbohydrate availability is a key factor in energy levels and athletic performance,
so don’t make the common mistake of ‘cutting carbs’, because your body needs
them- everything in moderation and the proper sources is key!
Last, but not least is Lipids
(a.k.a – FAT) which may be saturated or unsaturated. Lipids are the most
concentrated source of energy, yielding a higher calorie count per gram than
both protein and carbohydrates combined! In addition to providing energy, fat
acts as a carrier for vital nutrients and vitamins in the body. Saturated Fatty Acids are implicated as
a risk factor for heart disease and might include items like butter, lard,
cream cheese, whole milk, tropical oils and many baked goods. These are fats
that you should avoid, regardless of your body composition goals, in order to
avoid heart disease and high cholesterol. “Healthy Fats’ or Unsaturated Fatty Acids (primarily polyunsaturated) would
include Omega-3 fatty acids, vegetable, soy, and flaxseed oil and most seeds
and nuts. These sources of fats are ideal because the lipid molecules they carry
assist your body in essential functions and have positive effects on the heart
and help reduce the risk of disease, hypertension, arthritis and cancer. Trans-fatty
Acids are another type of lipid you will see that is way too prevalent in
todays’ diet. Trans-fats would include margarine, fried foods, fast food and
many treats and pastries. These items are full of modified lipid molecules that
are designed to harden at room temperature in order to preserve its shelf life.
Ok, really- you want to put hard fat into your body, then complain about a
muffin top? Muffins = muffin top, plain and simple. An abundance of fat in an individual’s diet
will not only lead to (you guessed it) weight gain, but also heart disease,
high cholesterol and a slow metabolism.
Understanding why each macronutrient does in your body is an
important part of understanding HOW and WHY your recommended meal plan works,
and why your previous diet didn’t. The balance of calories in vs. calories out
is a delicate game, especially when you have specific goals such as weight loss
or muscle gain. I hope I was able to ‘demystify’ the basics of nutrition to
help you better understand why what you put into your body is so important- now
you should understand when I say, “Food is not for your enjoyment or
entertainment- food is for fueling our body to complete our daily tasks.”
If you need help creating a meal plan and exercise schedule
that helps you reach your fitness goals, please do not hesitate to contact me!
My 12 Week Custom Fitness Program will give you detailed information about your
nutrition, workouts, supplements and MORE to get you to your fitness goals in
record time!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Your Questions- Answered! How to lose that stubborn "muffin top"!
Ok, So I asked my friends and clients on my EXLR8 Group page
on Facebook if they had any questions about health and fitness that they would
like answered, and I got a couple of responses.
The first questions I was asked was “What is the most effective way of getting rid of belly fat (a.k.a “muffin
top”)?” Well, this is one of the most common questions, misconceptions,
myths, legends and folklore about fat loss, specifically belly-fat loss. I am
happy this questions was brought up, so I can let you all in on a little
secret: science.
First, I have to address the issue of ‘spot reduction’. Long story short, you cannot pick a part of your
body that you want to lose fat from and focus just on that area, thinking that
just that area will change. Same goes for all those waist
trainers/shapers/sweat machines. All that is doing is elevating you core body temperature,
causing you to sweat tremendously- which is water loss. Which is unsafe and
unnecessary when exercising. I’m not condemning anyone for trying these methods,
as I have been through every weight loss “tip and trick” in the book, but
wrapping yourself with saran wrap and wearing a sweat suit to the gym is
absurd. Stop it. You are only dehydrating your body and possibly causing damage
to your vital organs- your tummy giggle isn’t THAT serious.
Now that we got that
out of the way- FAT LOSS. Hmmm,
yessss… I love discussing fat loss because everyone makes it some magical,
mythical idea when really, it’s just as simple as 2+2=4. In order to lose fat,
you must be burning more calories in a day than you consume through food and
drink. Calories in vs. Calories out. If you are expending more calories than
you eat, your body will be at a deficit and therefore depend on its own energy
supply (stored fat). Now, just because I said this doesn’t mean that “Lyndsie
said I need to eat less and workout like a fiend”. Nope. That leads to my next
point, which is the QUALITY of your
calories. You can follow a “low-calorie” diet, but have a Starbucks frap, a
diet-coke and ‘just 1’ slice of pizza, the QUALITY of your calories is poor,
and high in fat, resulting in (big surprise) FAT. But if the quality of your
calories is high, and full of nutrient rich sources of lean protein, complex
carbs and heart-healthy fats, you put your body in the right setting for fat
destruction. If you are unsure about how to approach your diet in order to lose
fat, don’t worry, you’re not alone. As a general rule, you want to focus on
having plenty of complex carbs and lean sources of protein, keeping the fat relatively
low. For a more personalized prescription,
please don’t hesitate to message me, and I can calculate the right ratios for
Targeting the
Mid-section- The most effective way to shred fat, especially from the mid-section,
is through cardiovascular activity and strength conditioning. The most
effective way to combine the two is through High Intensity Interval Training
(HIIT). High Intensity Interval Training
is a method of training that combines high-intensity cardiovascular activity
with lower intensity strength movements. It is true that muscle mass consumes
more calories than fat mass, so doesn’t it sound right to create more muscle, so
you burn more calories naturally? When you perform HIIT in the right ratios for
you and your goals, you can effectively incinerate that excess belly-fat. I
have posted a few different HIIT workouts here on my blog, check those out and
let me know what you think!
Training your
abdominal muscles will help you develop some muscle definition once you
melt that fat off, but that doesn’t mean you need to train them excessively!
Just like any muscle in your body, if you work a muscle often (like doing
crunches every day in hopes to get a 6-pack) the muscle will GROW. Don’t you
want your belly to look slimmer? THEN WHY ARE YOU INITIATING GROWTH?!? Train
your abs with low weight, high repetitions, and multi-plane movements including
flexion/extension, twisting, pushing and pulling. Do this ONCE A WEEK, maybe a
set of your favorite ab exercise at the end of a workout if you’re feeling
frisky, but if your goal is to reduce in size, don’t overdo it with the ab
exercises or you’ll end up looking like a box, rather than an hourglass
(ladies) and wide rather than v-tapered (guys).
It’s easy, huh?
Burn more calories than you consume and you will
lose fat.
Eat a balanced diet with limited fats, complex
carbs and lean protein.
Engage in HIIT to shred fat and build muscle to
burn calories 24/7
Train your abs- but not too much! Once a week is
I hope I was able to
answer your question, Cj! Stay tuned for my next post, influenced by Indu’s
question: How do I meal prep? All my meal prep tips will be shared!
Do you have your own health and fitness questions or need exercise
advice? Leave a comment below!
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Common Barriers to Exercise- what might be holding YOU back from reaching your goals!
I know the struggles of getting on a regular exercise plan and sticking to it. I tried and tried to initiate the process dozens of times over years and years to no avail. It wasn't that I didn't have the motivation, I did. It just wasn't the RIGHT motivation.
You see, looking at Instagram fitness celebrities and idolizing their amazing physiques is cool and all, but where does that get you? You now how she got those abs and those killer legs? She didn't sit on IG looking at other fit girls, she was in the gym, working hard to get the body she wanted.
The difference between real motivation and simply wanting what you don't have is all in your REASONS. If the only reason you want to be fit is to finally conquer the popularity contest you failed at in high school... then odds are that dream will only last until momentarily. If your motivation is to get fit because you've gained some weight, lost your energy and self-confidence, and now your joints ache... that's probably a reason good enough to get your ass out of bed and do something about it. In order to successfully reach your goals, you have to abolish any and all excuses you can possibly come up with. If you are able to dispel your disbelief before you begin the process, you will have an easier time pushing yourself through the tough times- like when you hit a weight loss plateau.
The first barrier we have to break through is TIME. When I ask new clients what has held them back from reaching their fitness goals in the past, 9 out of 10 will say "I just don't have the time". Really? That's the best excuse you can come up with? Well, Fitness Coach Lyndsie here to tell you, your excuse sucks. Here's how you can un-do this false thinking.... It's not that you don't have the time, you lack time management. Your free time is usually spent watching TV, surfing the web (do people still say that?) or checking emails. Be aware of how much time you spend doing those activities- write down how much time you spend on your phone/computer or in front of the TV today. If that time equals 1 hour, tomorrow, spend 30 min doing those (pointless) activities, and the other 30 min getting in a workout. BOOM! I know, I just blew your mind.... NOT! Time management is simple... and that's why I see TIME as nothing but the world's #1 excuse for not accomplishing anything.
The second stumbling block you will hit when trying to reach your goals is UNREALISTIC GOALS. This isn't so much your fault... it's primarily the media we are exposed to. But when you give into the hype or fall into some trendy diet plan or weight-loss supplement, you are looking at the ad and thinking "I want to look like him/her" and THAT'S why you buy the product. You have to learn how to look at YOURSELF for goal setting- not outside influences. If your overweight, your not going to look like the girl on that supplement ad in a few months. not even a year. Sorry, that's just how the human body works. You have to look at yourself and what you are capable of- if you don't workout, you cant expect to look like someone who does. Set small, achievable goals for yourself like: "I am going to start working out 5 days a week and watching my diet in order to lose 1 pound a week until I lose 10 pounds in the next 3 months." That is a small, achievable goal that you can accomplish- nothing crazy or unsafe, just committing to a REALISTIC GOAL.
Another reason people fail at their attempts to get fit is a LACK OF SOCIAL SUPPORT. This can be a huge factor for some people, and not even an issue for others. But from my experience, most people will allow this excuse to invade their mind and sabotage their own goals. If you are feeling like you don't have support from your friends and family to achieve your goals, then you really need someone in your corner, pushing and motivating you to reach your goal (enter Fitness Coach). Working with just 1 person who believes in you, your goal and your ability to reach your goal is the difference between reaching your goal or giving up early. If you are fortunate in having people around you who are supportive of your goals, that is GREAT, and odds are you will inspire others to reach their goals, too! Having support in your current exercise and nutrition program is the difference between enjoying the experience and feeling guilty for focusing on yourself. Don't let people rain on your parade- invite them to join in and see how much they can benefit from living a healthy lifestyle. You'll not only gain a cheerleader in your corner, but you can influence positive changes for those around you.
One thing that I know really screws with peoples' heads is SOCIAL PHYSIQUE ANXIETY. Yes, this is a real thing. If you are concerned about your body image or how you appear to outsiders, you have Social Physique Anxiety. Sometimes this can be a positive motivating force behind reaching a goal, but for the most part- it's not. Most people who suffer from this anxiety feel the need to constantly compare themselves to the other people they see at the gym (or worst, those models on IG). They tend to over-emphasize the difference between their own physique and someone else's- believing that they are MORE overweight and MORE out of shape than ANYONE else in the world. Ever. Although that sounds like an over-exaggeration, if you feel like you have this type of anxiety, you probably feel like that statement hit the nail on the head. So if you feel like you are MORE overweight and MORE out of shape than ANYONE else, it is important for you to know that this is not the case. Making the decision to change your lifestyle to be more healthy is doing more work than all those people sitting on the couch, so you have already won that battle! If you feel anxiety about going to the gym and 'being judged' (because your not, your only judging yourself, the other people at the gym don't give 2 sh*ts about why your there), take these few tips:
1) Try working with a professional in the privacy of your own home. You can buy into some workout videos or hire a Fitness Coach to create custom programs for you, within your comfort zone and specific for your goals.
2) It sounds silly- but it works.... If you go to the gym and feel anxious, go out and buy a new gym outfit. It will give you a little boost of confidence and make you feel like you 'fit-in' with the crowd of regular gym-goers.
3) Try a group exercise class- this is a great way to break through social physique barriers since their is a mix of people in these classes. Some people will be super fit and dancing circles around the instructor, some people will leave 15 minutes in because they are too out of shape to continue.... where ever you fall, your not alone, and you will feel more at-ease about your own insecurities.
The last barrier to exercise I hear from clients is CONVENIENCE. Like the 'time' excuse, I feel like this one is given too much president over the importance of reaching your goal. Going to the gym isn't convenient, huh? Well it won't be very convenient going to dialysis 3 days a week when your kidneys fail and you have diabetes from a life-long poor diet and lack of exercise. Convenience is a luxury. Get that through your head. I have taken a over-loaded semester with 21 college units, maintained a 4.0 GPA, held down 2 jobs AND trained for my first NPC Competition. What's your excuse? There are a lot of things that are inconvenient in this life, like taxes and pap smears, but lets face it you just have to do it. Whether you prefer to hit the gym or like to workout at home, make is a absolute task in your day and leave now room for excuses- MAKE it convenient!
There are many more reasons people find ways around reaching their goals, whether to finish college or lose weight. Some of those barriers are real, some are perceived. Plan to overcome these barriers before they pop up by talking to a Fitness Professional about your goals and how you can make the initial steps to getting there.
Are you ready to break down your fitness barriers and get started on your fitness goals? Don't hesitate to contact me at lyndsiemfitness@aol.com about how I can help you get there!!
You see, looking at Instagram fitness celebrities and idolizing their amazing physiques is cool and all, but where does that get you? You now how she got those abs and those killer legs? She didn't sit on IG looking at other fit girls, she was in the gym, working hard to get the body she wanted.
The difference between real motivation and simply wanting what you don't have is all in your REASONS. If the only reason you want to be fit is to finally conquer the popularity contest you failed at in high school... then odds are that dream will only last until momentarily. If your motivation is to get fit because you've gained some weight, lost your energy and self-confidence, and now your joints ache... that's probably a reason good enough to get your ass out of bed and do something about it. In order to successfully reach your goals, you have to abolish any and all excuses you can possibly come up with. If you are able to dispel your disbelief before you begin the process, you will have an easier time pushing yourself through the tough times- like when you hit a weight loss plateau.
The first barrier we have to break through is TIME. When I ask new clients what has held them back from reaching their fitness goals in the past, 9 out of 10 will say "I just don't have the time". Really? That's the best excuse you can come up with? Well, Fitness Coach Lyndsie here to tell you, your excuse sucks. Here's how you can un-do this false thinking.... It's not that you don't have the time, you lack time management. Your free time is usually spent watching TV, surfing the web (do people still say that?) or checking emails. Be aware of how much time you spend doing those activities- write down how much time you spend on your phone/computer or in front of the TV today. If that time equals 1 hour, tomorrow, spend 30 min doing those (pointless) activities, and the other 30 min getting in a workout. BOOM! I know, I just blew your mind.... NOT! Time management is simple... and that's why I see TIME as nothing but the world's #1 excuse for not accomplishing anything.
The second stumbling block you will hit when trying to reach your goals is UNREALISTIC GOALS. This isn't so much your fault... it's primarily the media we are exposed to. But when you give into the hype or fall into some trendy diet plan or weight-loss supplement, you are looking at the ad and thinking "I want to look like him/her" and THAT'S why you buy the product. You have to learn how to look at YOURSELF for goal setting- not outside influences. If your overweight, your not going to look like the girl on that supplement ad in a few months. not even a year. Sorry, that's just how the human body works. You have to look at yourself and what you are capable of- if you don't workout, you cant expect to look like someone who does. Set small, achievable goals for yourself like: "I am going to start working out 5 days a week and watching my diet in order to lose 1 pound a week until I lose 10 pounds in the next 3 months." That is a small, achievable goal that you can accomplish- nothing crazy or unsafe, just committing to a REALISTIC GOAL.
Another reason people fail at their attempts to get fit is a LACK OF SOCIAL SUPPORT. This can be a huge factor for some people, and not even an issue for others. But from my experience, most people will allow this excuse to invade their mind and sabotage their own goals. If you are feeling like you don't have support from your friends and family to achieve your goals, then you really need someone in your corner, pushing and motivating you to reach your goal (enter Fitness Coach). Working with just 1 person who believes in you, your goal and your ability to reach your goal is the difference between reaching your goal or giving up early. If you are fortunate in having people around you who are supportive of your goals, that is GREAT, and odds are you will inspire others to reach their goals, too! Having support in your current exercise and nutrition program is the difference between enjoying the experience and feeling guilty for focusing on yourself. Don't let people rain on your parade- invite them to join in and see how much they can benefit from living a healthy lifestyle. You'll not only gain a cheerleader in your corner, but you can influence positive changes for those around you.
One thing that I know really screws with peoples' heads is SOCIAL PHYSIQUE ANXIETY. Yes, this is a real thing. If you are concerned about your body image or how you appear to outsiders, you have Social Physique Anxiety. Sometimes this can be a positive motivating force behind reaching a goal, but for the most part- it's not. Most people who suffer from this anxiety feel the need to constantly compare themselves to the other people they see at the gym (or worst, those models on IG). They tend to over-emphasize the difference between their own physique and someone else's- believing that they are MORE overweight and MORE out of shape than ANYONE else in the world. Ever. Although that sounds like an over-exaggeration, if you feel like you have this type of anxiety, you probably feel like that statement hit the nail on the head. So if you feel like you are MORE overweight and MORE out of shape than ANYONE else, it is important for you to know that this is not the case. Making the decision to change your lifestyle to be more healthy is doing more work than all those people sitting on the couch, so you have already won that battle! If you feel anxiety about going to the gym and 'being judged' (because your not, your only judging yourself, the other people at the gym don't give 2 sh*ts about why your there), take these few tips:
1) Try working with a professional in the privacy of your own home. You can buy into some workout videos or hire a Fitness Coach to create custom programs for you, within your comfort zone and specific for your goals.
2) It sounds silly- but it works.... If you go to the gym and feel anxious, go out and buy a new gym outfit. It will give you a little boost of confidence and make you feel like you 'fit-in' with the crowd of regular gym-goers.
3) Try a group exercise class- this is a great way to break through social physique barriers since their is a mix of people in these classes. Some people will be super fit and dancing circles around the instructor, some people will leave 15 minutes in because they are too out of shape to continue.... where ever you fall, your not alone, and you will feel more at-ease about your own insecurities.
The last barrier to exercise I hear from clients is CONVENIENCE. Like the 'time' excuse, I feel like this one is given too much president over the importance of reaching your goal. Going to the gym isn't convenient, huh? Well it won't be very convenient going to dialysis 3 days a week when your kidneys fail and you have diabetes from a life-long poor diet and lack of exercise. Convenience is a luxury. Get that through your head. I have taken a over-loaded semester with 21 college units, maintained a 4.0 GPA, held down 2 jobs AND trained for my first NPC Competition. What's your excuse? There are a lot of things that are inconvenient in this life, like taxes and pap smears, but lets face it you just have to do it. Whether you prefer to hit the gym or like to workout at home, make is a absolute task in your day and leave now room for excuses- MAKE it convenient!
There are many more reasons people find ways around reaching their goals, whether to finish college or lose weight. Some of those barriers are real, some are perceived. Plan to overcome these barriers before they pop up by talking to a Fitness Professional about your goals and how you can make the initial steps to getting there.
Are you ready to break down your fitness barriers and get started on your fitness goals? Don't hesitate to contact me at lyndsiemfitness@aol.com about how I can help you get there!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Bikini Body- Abs, A$$ and Cardio Workout!!
If your looking to add a little definition to your abs and a lift to your tooshie before summer time, I've got just the trick! Try this Abs, A$$ and Cardio circuit that will tone your midsection, tighten your backside and turn up the heat on your metabolism! You can do this workout at home without equipment or at the gym and add some weights! If your a fitness beginner, don't stress, I've provided video references of each exercise to help you out ;)
Warm Up:
Like this workout? Want more? Check out my 12 Week 100% Custom Fitness Programs as well as my COMPLETE WORKOUT (only) Program, giving you months of workouts specific to your fitness goals for one low price!!
Warm Up:
- 5-7 min cardio warm up- aim to get your heart rate up!
- 5 min stretching, focus on your abs, back, hamstrings and hip flexors
- Side Plank with Leg Raise- 20 each leg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-tjrfMYlwA
- Bicycle Crunches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ76ehxls3c
- Pilates 100 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO4vb678un8
- 1 minute Jumping Jacks (or jump rope if handy)
- Bird-dog Hold- 30 sec each side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiFNA3sqjCA
- Single-leg Glute Bridge- 20 each leg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NXv0Nany-Q
- Donkey Kicks- 20 each leg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-tjrfMYlwA
- Sumo Squat with Jump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k_E484rUXw
- 1 min Jumping Jacks (or jump rope if handy)
- Alternating Stationary Lunges-15 each leg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo1pFV8HMic
- Russian Twist- 10 touches each side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPS_4lgIpr4
- Lateral Lunges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1JwEN32nCQ
- 1 min Jumping Jacks (or jump rope if handy)
- 1 min REST/Water Break, then DO IT AGAIN!
- 5-7 min cardio cool down to allow your heart rate to return to normal
- 10-15 min full body stretch to ease tension and reduce risk of soreness and injury
Like this workout? Want more? Check out my 12 Week 100% Custom Fitness Programs as well as my COMPLETE WORKOUT (only) Program, giving you months of workouts specific to your fitness goals for one low price!!
Monday, March 30, 2015
Lifestyle Modification - Are You Ready for Change?
Unless you perceive there is a really good reason to change a health behavior, you probably will not do it. Change goes against human nature and what is familiar, stable, and routine. For most people change is scary and unpredictable. Most people strive to maintain stability of what they know to be true about their lives. The behavior change process usually begins when there is a perceived problem or need for change.
The Stages of Change progress through 5 stages, describing where you may be on an emotional and analytical level when making a decision to change your lifestyle or health habits:
Stage 1: Precontemplation- You have no intention of changing. You do not exercise, and you do not intend to start doing so. You need to educate yourself about your current health condition and stop relying on myths and excuses. Working with a Fitness Coach at this stage can be difficult because you do not yet know what you want or are unable to create goals for yourself.
Stage 2: Contemplation- You do not exercise but you are thinking about becoming more active in the next few months. You are aware of the benefits of exercise but you might lack the motivation or know-how to get started on your own. You most likely need guidance or an outside source of motivation and encouragement from family, friends and an amazing Fitness Coach.
Stage 3: Preparation- You might exercise occasionally, but you are planning on making it a more regular habit in the near future. You are aware of and believe in the health benefits of exercise, but you might have unrealistic expectations of lack the knowledge to get you to where you want to be. If you find yourself at this stage and you are stuck, NOW is the time to contact a Fitness Coach before you regress to the contemplation stage. You probably need some help with defining your goals, creating an effective program and pushing yourself to work harder.
Stage 4: Action- You are active on a regular basis and have been for less than 6 months. You need to be challenged and may be needing some more education about various training programs. You may be hitting a plateau in your training and need to be guided through it. At this stage, you can rely on Fitness Coach to give you more challenging workouts as well as introduce new dieting programs such as Carb Cycling to help you get through those training issues.
Stage 5: Maintenance- You have been consistently active for 6 months or more. Even though you have successfully changed your behavior, you are still at risk for regressing to old habits. You are capable of maintaining a fitness and nutrition program on your own and may just need a Fitness Coach on occasion to help you mix up your workouts or help you through a training plateau down the road.
What stage do you find yourself in today? If you are in Stages 3,4 or 5 answer the following questions to help you better understand what might be holding you back from reaching your fitness goals:
I offer complementary consultations to anyone who is interested in beginning a Fitness Program. I will ask you a series of questions to give me a better look into your lifestyle, and from there I create a preliminary plan as to what you could expect from working with me. At that point, if you are satisfied with what I have to offer, we can begin your 100% Custom Training Program. All is takes is a quick email to lyndsiemfitness@aol.com and we can get you going!
*Stages of Change model adapted from National Academy of Sports Medicine- Lifestyle Modification
The Stages of Change progress through 5 stages, describing where you may be on an emotional and analytical level when making a decision to change your lifestyle or health habits:
Stage 1: Precontemplation- You have no intention of changing. You do not exercise, and you do not intend to start doing so. You need to educate yourself about your current health condition and stop relying on myths and excuses. Working with a Fitness Coach at this stage can be difficult because you do not yet know what you want or are unable to create goals for yourself.
Stage 2: Contemplation- You do not exercise but you are thinking about becoming more active in the next few months. You are aware of the benefits of exercise but you might lack the motivation or know-how to get started on your own. You most likely need guidance or an outside source of motivation and encouragement from family, friends and an amazing Fitness Coach.
Stage 3: Preparation- You might exercise occasionally, but you are planning on making it a more regular habit in the near future. You are aware of and believe in the health benefits of exercise, but you might have unrealistic expectations of lack the knowledge to get you to where you want to be. If you find yourself at this stage and you are stuck, NOW is the time to contact a Fitness Coach before you regress to the contemplation stage. You probably need some help with defining your goals, creating an effective program and pushing yourself to work harder.
Stage 4: Action- You are active on a regular basis and have been for less than 6 months. You need to be challenged and may be needing some more education about various training programs. You may be hitting a plateau in your training and need to be guided through it. At this stage, you can rely on Fitness Coach to give you more challenging workouts as well as introduce new dieting programs such as Carb Cycling to help you get through those training issues.
Stage 5: Maintenance- You have been consistently active for 6 months or more. Even though you have successfully changed your behavior, you are still at risk for regressing to old habits. You are capable of maintaining a fitness and nutrition program on your own and may just need a Fitness Coach on occasion to help you mix up your workouts or help you through a training plateau down the road.
What stage do you find yourself in today? If you are in Stages 3,4 or 5 answer the following questions to help you better understand what might be holding you back from reaching your fitness goals:
- What experiences have you had with physical activity in the past?
- What worked best to help you stick to a fitness program?
- What worked the least?
- What contributed to you quitting your last exercise or nutrition program?
- During the last 6 months, what kept you from exercising and/or eating healthy?
I offer complementary consultations to anyone who is interested in beginning a Fitness Program. I will ask you a series of questions to give me a better look into your lifestyle, and from there I create a preliminary plan as to what you could expect from working with me. At that point, if you are satisfied with what I have to offer, we can begin your 100% Custom Training Program. All is takes is a quick email to lyndsiemfitness@aol.com and we can get you going!
*Stages of Change model adapted from National Academy of Sports Medicine- Lifestyle Modification
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Spring for Savings!!! Now is the time to change your body and your life!!
The weather is warming up, shorts and tank tops are coming out, and its about to be bathing suit season! ARE YOU READY? Now until May I will be offering my 12 Week Custom Fitness Program for $25 off!! That's right, only $125 for a fully custom fitness plan to guide you towards reaching your goals and killin' it in that bathing suit this summer!!
Let's get fit together!
EXLR8 Personal Fitness Training 12 Week Program: $125 (regular price $150)
Commit to reaching your goals!
Customized training program with 3 Phases to eliminate plateaus
Goal specific Weight Training and Cardio
Programs according to your abilities and goals
Customized Nutrition Assistance and Meal Prep
Guide with shopping tips and recipes
Supplement Recommendations for maintaining health while training
Weekly progress check-ins to ensure you are on track and to make changes as needed
All of my clients have instant access to me via social media, email and personal contact information to ensure that no question goes unanswered. My programs fit everyone because they are 100% CUSTOM: whether you have a gym membership or need at-home workouts, have dietary restrictions due to medication or condition, injuries? NO PROBLEM!
What is stopping you from being the healthiest, fittest, happiest version of you?!? Now is the time to take charge and I can not wait to guide you through your fitness journey.
To start, simply:
1) Click on the Pay Pal link below to process payment.
2) Send an email to lyndsiemfitness@aol.com with your name, phone number and most accessible email address.
3) I will send you all of my necessary pre-training paperwork to collect the information I need to help you reach your goals.
4) You receive your Custom Fitness Program within 24-48 hours of payment!
Let's get fit together!
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Shoulders and Tricep Workout **Making Gains**
One of my many missions in my journey of self-improvement is to grow my shoulders and upper back. For the last 3 months, I have been really pushing myself to mix up my workouts and challenge my body with exercises that are unique (and painful). Well, this workout had met all of these criteria, give it a try!!
-5-7 minute warm up and 10 minute stretch, focusing on the upper body
-Dynamic warm up for the shoulders with 5 lb plates
-Arm circles forward and back
- Internal/external rotation
Superset #1: repeat 3 times, 10 reps each
-Narrow Grip Overhead Press on Smith Machine
-Wide grip Military Press on Smith Machine
-Front Plate Raises
-Lateral lean-away Deltoid Raise
Superset #2: repeat 3 times, 10 reps each
-Tricep Rope Pull-down (drop set)
-Tricep Kickback
-Reverse Grip Tricep Pull-down (drop set)
Superset #3: 10 reps of DEATH
In one rep- front deltoid raise, lateral deltoid raise, front full extension, shoulder press (that's one)
-do this combo 10 times, without stopping, and without changing weights (I use 5-7.5 lbs)
Superset #4: Throw in some core work! repeat 3 times, 20 reps each
-Lying straight leg raises
-"V" Up Stability ball pass
There ya have it!! Give this workout a try, and leave a comment!!
If you have any further questions or would like more information on creating your own kick ass workouts, contact me at lyndsiemfitness@aol.com
-5-7 minute warm up and 10 minute stretch, focusing on the upper body
-Dynamic warm up for the shoulders with 5 lb plates
-Arm circles forward and back
- Internal/external rotation
Superset #1: repeat 3 times, 10 reps each
-Narrow Grip Overhead Press on Smith Machine
-Wide grip Military Press on Smith Machine
-Front Plate Raises
-Lateral lean-away Deltoid Raise
Superset #2: repeat 3 times, 10 reps each
-Tricep Rope Pull-down (drop set)
-Tricep Kickback
-Reverse Grip Tricep Pull-down (drop set)
Superset #3: 10 reps of DEATH
In one rep- front deltoid raise, lateral deltoid raise, front full extension, shoulder press (that's one)
-do this combo 10 times, without stopping, and without changing weights (I use 5-7.5 lbs)
Superset #4: Throw in some core work! repeat 3 times, 20 reps each
-Lying straight leg raises
-"V" Up Stability ball pass
There ya have it!! Give this workout a try, and leave a comment!!
If you have any further questions or would like more information on creating your own kick ass workouts, contact me at lyndsiemfitness@aol.com
Monday, March 23, 2015
Magic Potatoes
I call these magic potatoes because they are, well, magical. Potatoes are a great source of carbohydrates, both simple and complex. I personally train using a Carb Cycling Program, which varies the amount of carbohydrates I eat daily, from high carbs, to moderate and low. This type of diet allows me to offer my body the nutrients it needs to get through my demanding workouts and GROW my muscles, while allowing me to remain lean and even lose body fat! Try these recipes for yourself and enjoy some carbs!!
Sweet Potatoes:
-Preheat your oven to 400 degrees
-Wash and cut approx. 5 large sweet potatoes into small, 1-2 inch squares
-Lay potatoes evenly on a baking sheet, I usually have to use two to let them have enough room
-Coat the potatoes in Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Avocado Oil
-Dust the potatoes with nutmeg and cinnamon, to taste - I coat them pretty heavy on one side, then mix them around
-Bake in the oven, middle rack for 20 minutes, then remove from oven and toss
-Bake for an additional 20 minutes
-Ta Da! That's it! Your done! Easy, huh?
Brown Potatoes:
-You can bake these right along with your sweet potatoes at 400 degrees
-Wash and cut potatoes into small, 1-2 inch squares
-Lay potatoes evenly on a baking sheet
-Coat the potatoes in Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Avocado Oil (I like to do my brown potatoes like this, rather than baking them whole to avoid the temptation of dumping a ton of butter on it)
-Season the potatoes- I use lite salt, lemon pepper, thyme, oregano, Ms. Dash Tomato Basil Garlic and Roasted Onion and Herb
-Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, then remove and toss
-Bake for an additional 10-15 min, until tender
A lot of people think that in order to lose weight or get a lean look, that they have to cut out carbs all together and suffer. Well, I'm here to tell you that CARBS ARE GOOD! Carbohydrates are absolutely necessary in your diet in order to produce vital energy not only for your workouts, but for your daily body functions. Your digestive system converts carbohydrates into glucose, a type of sugar that is the fuel for your muscles. Cutting out carbs from ones diet can result in a huge void in energy, inability to recover from physical exertion, not to mention a lack of carbs will throw off the entire balance of your diet, where they play a vital role in the absorption and proper use of proteins and fats in the body.
If you are looking for more information about Carb Cycling, or finding the right diet to help you reach your goals, please do not hesitate to contact me at lyndsiemfitness@aol.com and check out my Custom Fitness Programs!!
Sweet Potatoes:
-Preheat your oven to 400 degrees
-Wash and cut approx. 5 large sweet potatoes into small, 1-2 inch squares
-Lay potatoes evenly on a baking sheet, I usually have to use two to let them have enough room
-Coat the potatoes in Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Avocado Oil
-Dust the potatoes with nutmeg and cinnamon, to taste - I coat them pretty heavy on one side, then mix them around
-Bake in the oven, middle rack for 20 minutes, then remove from oven and toss
-Bake for an additional 20 minutes
-Ta Da! That's it! Your done! Easy, huh?
Brown Potatoes:
-You can bake these right along with your sweet potatoes at 400 degrees
-Wash and cut potatoes into small, 1-2 inch squares
-Lay potatoes evenly on a baking sheet
-Coat the potatoes in Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Avocado Oil (I like to do my brown potatoes like this, rather than baking them whole to avoid the temptation of dumping a ton of butter on it)
-Season the potatoes- I use lite salt, lemon pepper, thyme, oregano, Ms. Dash Tomato Basil Garlic and Roasted Onion and Herb
-Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, then remove and toss
-Bake for an additional 10-15 min, until tender
A lot of people think that in order to lose weight or get a lean look, that they have to cut out carbs all together and suffer. Well, I'm here to tell you that CARBS ARE GOOD! Carbohydrates are absolutely necessary in your diet in order to produce vital energy not only for your workouts, but for your daily body functions. Your digestive system converts carbohydrates into glucose, a type of sugar that is the fuel for your muscles. Cutting out carbs from ones diet can result in a huge void in energy, inability to recover from physical exertion, not to mention a lack of carbs will throw off the entire balance of your diet, where they play a vital role in the absorption and proper use of proteins and fats in the body.
If you are looking for more information about Carb Cycling, or finding the right diet to help you reach your goals, please do not hesitate to contact me at lyndsiemfitness@aol.com and check out my Custom Fitness Programs!!
Friday, March 20, 2015
Whole Body workout for the Fitness Newbie- No gym required!!
All you fitness newbies out there! I know how difficult and intimidating it can be to motivate yourself to find exercises and workouts that work to help you reach your goals. Maybe you just started going to the gym, or your contemplating incorporating a workout routine at home- this is a great place to start.
But some of you are the experienced ones... well this is for you too! When is the last time you slowed your tempo and focused 100% on your form? Or challenged your stability? Then this is great for you, too! Add 1 minute of jump rope between each exercise and BOOM! You've got a killer HIIT workout!
This workout is designed to be completed in a circuit fashion, meaning little to no break in between transitioning from one exercise to the next. Your goal is to maintain a Target Heart Rate around 65% of your HR Max. Complete the circuit 3-5 times.
This is an example of the type of workout my clients might receive in the first phase of their training program with me. They also receive links with each exercise to detailed video instructions on how to properly perform each exercise. I also advise on proper warm up, cool down, and flexibility training with every program.
Try this one out at the gym or at home and leave a comment to let me know how it went!!
But some of you are the experienced ones... well this is for you too! When is the last time you slowed your tempo and focused 100% on your form? Or challenged your stability? Then this is great for you, too! Add 1 minute of jump rope between each exercise and BOOM! You've got a killer HIIT workout!
This workout is designed to be completed in a circuit fashion, meaning little to no break in between transitioning from one exercise to the next. Your goal is to maintain a Target Heart Rate around 65% of your HR Max. Complete the circuit 3-5 times.
Squat with 4/2/1 Tempo (4 sec. descend, 2 sec hold, 1 sec ascend)
20 reps
squats slowly with control, do in front of a mirror to monitor form if
20 reps
Can be done off a wall or counter-top: perform push
up and when you are at the bottom, push off the counter as hard as you can so
you are standing up straight.
Toe-touch Crunches
20 reps
Perform slowly and reach for toes.
10 each leg
Perform all 10 on one leg before moving to the
other, place hands on hips and remember to look UP to maintain posture and
30 seconds
Keep back straight, core tight, and arms
shoulder-width apart. Remember to breathe normally.
Perform at moderate pace, don’t bother counting,
just keep going until you can’t do any more…then do 10 more J
Up Crunch
20 reps
Perform slowly with control, keep core tight.
This is an example of the type of workout my clients might receive in the first phase of their training program with me. They also receive links with each exercise to detailed video instructions on how to properly perform each exercise. I also advise on proper warm up, cool down, and flexibility training with every program.
Try this one out at the gym or at home and leave a comment to let me know how it went!!
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